Book Cover
Book Cover



Our latest research project was an account of the battle of Talana that took place on 20th October 1899.  The book contains a full medal roll of the British and Colonial troops who took part with their medal entitlement and other details where known. 

The book was published on 18 March 2012.




The contents page    



Update 1

The document below is the first update to the Talana book. 
It consists of material that it was not possible to include within the book. 

Date of update:  13 Mar 2012

Format:  PDF, fully searchable, 155 A4 pages        

Size:  5.5 MB

Cost:  Free


If you have details of any Talana QSAs, please email the information to

See items about Talana in the Forum.

Here is a list of the British and South African soldiers who took part in the battle:

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(4931 Records)

 Surname   Forename   No   Rank   Notes   Unit 
Aaran7863rd Grade Ward ServantQSA (5)
Source: List of QSAs with the clasp Talana from the Talana book
Army Hospital Corps
AbbsJ3350PrivateQSA (2)
Source: List of QSAs with the clasp Talana from the Talana book
King's Royal Rifle Corps
AbelH W R17339BombardierQSA (6)
Source: List of QSAs with the clasp Talana from the Talana book
13th Battery, RFA
AbernethyJ4762PrivateQSA (2) QSA known to exist
Source: List of QSAs with the clasp Talana from the Talana book
(Princess Victoria's) Royal Irish Fusiliers
AblittH J4365DriverQSA (5) QSA known to exist
Source: List of QSAs with the clasp Talana from the Talana book
67th Battery, RFA
AbramesS4484SergeantQSA (1)
Source: List of QSAs with the clasp Talana from the Talana book
King's Royal Rifle Corps
AbramsJ4592PrivateQSA (4)
Source: List of QSAs with the clasp Talana from the Talana book
Leicestershire Regiment
AchillesT6352PrivateQSA (6) QSA known to exist
Source: List of QSAs with the clasp Talana from the Talana book
Royal Dublin Fusiliers
AcottW13171DriverQSA (6)
Source: List of QSAs with the clasp Talana from the Talana book
13th Battery, RFA
AdamFrederick LockCaptainQSA (1)
Source: List of QSAs with the clasp Talana from the Talana book
Scots Guards
AdamsC4725PrivateQSA (4)
Source: List of QSAs with the clasp Talana from the Talana book
Leicestershire Regiment
AdamsH W3484Lance SergeantQSA (5)
Source: List of QSAs with the clasp Talana from the Talana book
18th (Victoria Mary, Prince of Wales's Own) Hussar
AdamsJ14909GunnerQSA (6)
Source: List of QSAs with the clasp Talana from the Talana book
69th Battery, RFA
AdamsJ W7069PrivateQSA (2) QSA known to exist
Source: List of QSAs with the clasp Talana from the Talana book
King's Royal Rifle Corps
AdamsS1112PrivateQSA (2) QSA known to exist
Source: List of QSAs with the clasp Talana from the Talana book
King's Royal Rifle Corps
AdamsS3783DrummerQSA (4)
Source: List of QSAs with the clasp Talana from the Talana book
Leicestershire Regiment
AdamsW3068PrivateQSA (7)
Source: List of QSAs with the clasp Talana from the Talana book
Royal Dublin Fusiliers
AdcockT4621PrivateQSA (4) QSA known to exist
Source: List of QSAs with the clasp Talana from the Talana book
Leicestershire Regiment
AdcockT4533PrivateQSA (4)
Source: List of QSAs with the clasp Talana from the Talana book
Leicestershire Regiment
AdcockW4641PrivateQSA (3)
Source: List of QSAs with the clasp Talana from the Talana book
Leicestershire Regiment
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