Contingent |
Officers |
Men |
Arrived in SA |
Left SA |
1st Contingent NZ Mounted Rifles and Hotchkiss Gun Detachment |
9 |
206 |
Nov 1899 |
Nov 1900 |
2nd Contingent |
11 |
247 |
Feb 1900 |
Mar 1901 |
3rd Contingent |
12 |
252 |
Mar 1900 |
Mar 1901 |
4th Contingent |
20 |
446 |
Apr 1900 |
May 1901 |
5th Contingent (Imperial Bushmen) |
24 |
500 |
Apr 1900 |
May 1901 |
6th Contingent |
27 |
551 |
Feb 1901 |
7th Contingent |
28 |
572 |
May 1901 |
Jul 1902 (part) |
8th Contingent |
45 |
951 |
Mar 1902 |
Jul 1902 |
9th Contingent |
48 |
1,028 |
Apr 1902 |
Jul 1902 |
10th Contingent |
45 |
961 |
May 1902 |
Jul 1902 |
Total |
287 |
6,129 |
New Zealand contingents:
Casualties (officers): 7 KIA, 4 DOD, 26 wounded, 2 missing/prisoner
Casualties (men): 78 KIA, 87 DOD, 176 wounded, 41 missing/prisoner
A database of all New Zealand recipients can be found at,
The Honours and Awards gained by the New Zealanders were as follows:
Farrier Major W J Hardham, 4th New Zealand Contingent, gained the Victoria Cross on 28th January 1901 near Naauwpoort. This non-commissioned officer was with a section which was extended, and hotly engaged with a party of about 20 Boers. Just before the force commenced to retire Trooper M'Crae was wounded and his horse killed; Farrier-Sergeant Hardham at once went, under a heavy fire, to his assistance, dismounted, and placed him on his own horse, and ran alongside until he had guided him to a place of safety.
GENERAL FRENCH'S DESPATCH: 2nd February 1900.—NZMI: Major A W Robin, commanding, deserves special mention for the frequent occasions on which he and his men have performed signal service during these operations. Captain Madocks and his company mentioned in body of despatch for work on 15th January.
LORD ROBERTS' DESPATCHES: 31st March 1900.—NZMI, with Cavalry Division for Relief of Kimberley, and advance to Bloemfontein, Major A W Robin.
2nd April 1901.—Lieutenant Seddon, Roughriders, one of Lord Roberts' Colonial ADC's, "performed duties loyally and well"; Lieutenant Colonel S Newall (5th Contingent); Majors M Cradock' (2nd), A AV Robin (1st); Lieutenants J G Hughes (1st), T J M Todd (2nd); Majors R H Davies (4th), T Jowsey (3rd); Captains C T Major (4th), D Polson (5th); Lieutenants A Bauchop (4th), S H, Bradburne (3rd), G H R Rolleston (4th); Sgt-Majors W J Burn’, W H Fletcher (5th); Sergeant Major Harpur; Sergeants W Cassidy (2nd), E Hazlett, Luck; Pioneer-Sergeant Harris; Corporals. Harler, Hogg; Troopers Gallaway, Holroyd; Private W B Wade.
4th September 1901.—Sergeants Bennett, Ebbs; Gunner Kelly, 1-pr battery. Nursing Sister J M N Williamson, who got the Royal Red Cross.
Lord Roberts, in despatch of 1st March 1902, announced that Private H D Coutts, NZMR, had been awarded one of the four woollen scarves knitted by Queen Victoria for distribution to the four most distinguished private soldiers in the forces of Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and South Africa.
LORD KITCHENER'S DESPATCHES: 8th March 1901.—NZMR: Lieutenant Colonel Cradock (2nd); Captains G Crawshaw (2nd), E W C Chaytor (3rd); Surgeon Captain S C Godfray (3rd); Lieutenant C L Somerville (2nd); Quartermaster Sergeant Stephenson; Sergeant P Tudor; Troopers E Hille, H Harper, J Stevens, H Windgate.
8th May 1901, from General Babington's despatch as to capture of guns and convoy in Western Transvaal, 24th March.—4th New Zealand: Captains G H Walker, DSO, and B Arthur, for excellent services; Corporal O'Dowd, promoted Sergeant; Privates Rumble and Drinan, promoted Corporals. Private Rumble charged a gun, closely followed by Drinan and O'Dowd. They were met by a heavy fire from the gunners, Rumble's coat being shot through, and Drinan's hat. They took the gun. Private Thurlow (promoted Corporal), conspicuous for his energy in turning round waggons of convoy under fire, and sending them to the rear. Private Wylie (promoted Corporal) charged a gun by himself; it was defended by four of enemy, two of whom he killed and then captured the gun. Private D Langham, conduct in capture of guns. 5th NZ: Lance Corporal Turnbull (promoted Corporal), near Dwarsvlei, Krugersdorp, 23rd April, went with Major Brown, Border Regiment, into a dark cave and succeeded in getting out six armed Boers.
GENERAL PLUMER'S DESPATCHES: 6th April.—6th NZMI: Farrier-Sergeant G Rouse and Private A Free (promoted Corporal), on April 5, near Pietpotgeitersrust, captured 12 armed Boers and 2 waggons with arms and ammunition.
8th July 1901.—NZMR: Surgeon Captain E J O'Neill (6th), on June 16, under heavy fire, went three times to the wounded and succeeded in getting Lieutenant Ryan and three men. 4th.: Captain A Bauchop, at Spitz Kop, Feb. 11, for plucky action in rescuing a wounded man. Farrier-Major W J Hardman, near Cypherfontein, June 21, brought a wounded man out of fire on his horse, himself running beside him (mentioned in Army Orders). Farrier - Major Hardman got the Victoria Cross for another act of gallantry.
8th August 1901.—7th NZ Regt.: Lieutenant E Hecklar, at Witkop, Transvaal, July 22, with two men, brought two dismounted men out of action under heavy fire, Sergeant Major Callaway and Lance Corporal Vicoe assisting in this.
8th October 1901.—7th NZ Regt.: Captain C Simpson greatly distinguished himself in night capture of Spannerberg's laager near Honingspruit, August 16. 6th NZMR: Lieutenant P L Tudor, with only 12 men, crossed the Caledon on 16th Sept., and kept touch with 200 Boers for three days, and displayed great gallantry on 27th, holding position for three hours against 50 Boers. Major A W Andrew, Indian Staff Corps, in command during action at Mokari Drift, Caledon River, Sept. 27, and handled his troops very well. Captain J Findlay, East Kent, attached, and Captain L C E Knight, for excellent service in command of detached troops in Orange River Colony in September. Private J E Baigent, one of a party which volunteered to carry despatches, ambushed and fired on at very close range, and the corporal's horse being shot, waited under heavy fire for him, and brought him away safely; Bastard's Drift, Orange River Colony, 27th September. 7th NZ: Sergeant Major E Lockett, for most gallant rescue of a prisoner in the Hosberg,
August 23. He was severely wounded, and lost an arm in consequence.
8th December 1901.—4th MR: Sergeant J Walker, for capture, single-handed, of three armed Boers, in a farm near Standerton. 7th: Lieutenant J D G Shera, for gallantry in attack on laager in Pongola Bosch, October 23. Sergeant J Davidson, Lance Corporal W Rutherford, for gallantry in bringing wounded men out of action under close fire, October 5.
8th March 1902.-7th: Major A Baudiope; Lieutenants P T Emerson, P Overton, for good service in Colonel Byng's capture of laager at Fanny Home February 2. Lieutenant D A Hickey, for marked good service in action at Witkoppies on night of December 27. Farrier Sergeant Quinn, for recovering stampeded horses which had gone through enemy's lines, under a hot and close fire, and closely pursued, December 27. Sergeant W Kent, at Holnek, December 21, when with 20 men, was charged by 50 Boers, dismounted his men and repulsed enemy by volleys.
8th April 1902.—NZMR: Lieutenant Colonel T W Porter.
1st June 1902.—7th: Lance Corporal Gregory, promoted corporal, for coolness and grasp of situation which enabled officer commanding regiment to make effective dispositions to repulse attack, 24th February 1902.
23rd June 1902.—New Zealand Forces: Nursing Sister D Peiper; Colonel R H Davies, CB; Majors F W Abbott, E Bartlett; Captains R Stevenson, C L Somerville, H R Potter, G R Johnstone; Lieutenant W C Morrison; Regimental Sergeant Major G C Black 3; Sergeant Majors Pickett. H White; Quartermaster Sergeant G Mitchell; Sergeant D Smythe; Corporals Cato, Burns, Beck; Lance Corporal W Thorp; Private J Cassidy. Quartermaster Sergeant Travers got the DCM.
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