
Men of the Town Guard took a small part in the battle of Talana and then ceased to exist.

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(250 Records)

 Surname   Forename/inits   Regimental no   Rank   Notes 
AllanHQSA (1)
Source: List of QSAs with the clasp Talana from the Talana book
AndersonJamesQSA (1)
Source: List of QSAs with the clasp Talana from the Talana book
ArnotCQSA (1)
Source: List of QSAs with the clasp Talana from the Talana book
AspdenJ CQSA (1)
Source: List of QSAs with the clasp Talana from the Talana book
BaileyG CReverendDied during the war in the Dundee sub-district.  He was buried at Dundee.
Source: Dooner
BakerC RQSA (1)
Source: List of QSAs with the clasp Talana from the Talana book
BakerJames GuyQSA (1)
Source: List of QSAs with the clasp Talana from the Talana book
BallB AQSA (4)
Source: List of QSAs with the clasp Talana from the Talana book
BallWilliamQSA (1)
Source: List of QSAs with the clasp Talana from the Talana book
BanfieldAQSA (1)
Source: List of QSAs with the clasp Talana from the Talana book
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 QSA and Supplementary roll pages WO100/281  20  5.3  pdficon_large
Parent Category: South African units
Category: Town Guards
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