
Knysna was named after the river Knysna and lies on the coast in the western Cape.

In 1878, gold was discovered in the Karatara River, near Ruigtevlei.  Prospectors settled in the Millwood forrest and the settlement grew into a bsmall town.  Millwood was declared a gold field, the first in South Africa.  The prospecting generated little profit and soon the settlers dwindled and some moved to Knysna.  One of the buildings, relocated from Millward and called 'Millwood House' is now a museum. 

By the 1880s the town had over 1,000 inhabitants.

Regimental no: 
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(171 Records)

 Surname   Forename/inits   Regimental no   Rank   Notes 
AckesFrederickSource: WO100/283
ArmstrongHubertSource: WO100/283
AtkinsonGeorge RexSource: WO100/283
AylwardJohn DanielSource: WO100/283
AylwardWilliam HenrySource: WO100/283
BaillieHenrySource: WO100/283
BarnardAbrahamSource: WO100/283
BarnardCornelius J SSource: WO100/283
BarnardPeterSource: WO100/283
BennArthur JohnSource: WO100/283
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Knysna.. Date of photo unknown.
Knysna Town Guard (named)



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Parent Category: South African units
Category: Town Guards
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