A Résumé of Officers and Men mentioned in Despatches for the Operations in Natal.

Extract from "Natal Advertiser."

General Sir Redvers Buller, in his despatches which have just been published with reference to the operations in Natal, calls attention to a number of officers, non-commissioned officers, and men whose services deserve "special mention." He gives thanks to Sir W. Hely-Hutchinson, the Governor of Natal; to Colonel the Hon. A. H. Hime, Prime Minister, and all the members of the Government of the colony. Rear-Admiral Sir R. H. Harris, K.C.M.G., had also been most helpful. Then follows the list of men "especially worthy of consideration":—

Captain Percy Scott, C.B., H.M.S. Terrible, has discharged the difficult duties of Commandant of Durban with the greatest tact and ability, and has been most helpful in every way.

Captain E. P. Jones, H.M.S. Forte, as senior officer of the Naval Brigade, has earned my most heartfelt thanks. The assistance they have rendered to me has been invaluable; the spirit of their leader was reflected in the men, and (p. 154) at any time, day or night, they were always ready, and their work was excellent.

Commander A. H. Limpus and Lieutenant F. C. A. Ogilvy, H.M.S. Terrible, and Lieutenant H. W. James, H.M.S. Tartar. These three Officers were indefatigable. There never was a moment in the day that they were not working hard and well to advance the work in hand.

The names of the following officers, warrant officers, non-commissioned officers, and men of the Naval Brigade, Sir Redvers Buller adds, have been brought to his notice for gallant or meritorious services by general officers and officers commanding units:—


Lieutenant C. P. Hunt, H.M.S. Forte.
Lieutenant C. R. N. Burne, H.M.S. Philomel.
Staff-Surgeon F. J. Lilly, H.M.S. Forte.
Surgeon C. C. Macmillan, H.M.S. Terrible.
Surgeon E. C. Lomas, H.M.S. Terrible.
Acting-Gunner J. Wright, H.M.S. Terrible.
Midshipman R. B. Hutchinson, H.M.S. Terrible.
Midshipman H. S. Boldero, H.M.S. Terrible.
Midshipman G. L. Hodson, H.M.S. Terrible.
Clerk W. T. Hollin, H.M.S. Philomel.


Chief Petty Officer T. Baldwin, H.M.S. Terrible.
Chief Petty Officer W. Bate, H.M.S. Terrible.
Chief Petty Officer B. Stephens, H.M.S. Terrible.
First-Class Petty Officer P. Cashman, H.M.S. Philomel.
Second-Class Petty Officer C. Challoner, H.M.S. Terrible.
(p. 155) Second-Class Petty Officer J. J. Frennett, H.M.S. Philomel.
Master-at-Arms G. Crowe, H.M.S. Terrible.
Armourer Ellis, H.M.S. Terrible.
F. Moore, A.B., H.M.S. Forte.

General Sir Redvers Buller, in a despatch dated Laing's Nek, June 19th, 1900, says: "I desire to bring to notice the following officer:—

"Captain E. P. Jones, R.N., Naval Brigade.

"It was due to the energy and perseverance of the officers and men alike, following the excellent example set them by their Commander, Captain Jones, that it was possible to place the Naval guns in position on the 8th, and get them forward subsequently in time to accompany the advance on the 10th. The excellent marksmanship of the Naval Brigade, and the skilful distribution of their fire, contributed materially to the successful result of the attack on Allemann's Nek on June 11th."

The following names are mentioned by Commanders as having performed good services, in addition to those previously mentioned:—

Lieutenant G. P. Hunt, H.M.S. Forte.
Lieutenant F. W. Melvill, H.M.S. Forte.
Lieutenant C. R. N. Burne, H.M.S. Philomel.
Lieutenant A. Halsey, H.M.S. Philomel.
Midshipman W. R. Ledgard, H.M.S. Philomel.
John Restal, chief armourer, H.M.S. Tartar.
Alexander Monro, C.P.O., H.M.S. Tartar.
J. Weatherhead, P.O., H.M.S. Philomel.
E. Waring, yeoman of signals.
(p. 156) Referring to the work at the base and on the lines of communication, General Buller, in the despatch dated ss. Dunvegan Castle, November 9th, says:—

"The Naval transport work at Durban has been throughout under the charge of Captain Van Koughnet, R.N. I desire to take this opportunity of bringing to notice the excellent service which he has rendered. Owing to his tact and ability, the difficult and ofttimes very heavy work of embarkations and disembarkations has passed smoothly and well.

"Commander G. E. Holland, D.S.O., Indian Marine, has also been employed at Durban throughout. His genius for organisation, and his knowledge of transport requirements, is, I should say, unrivalled. He undertook the alteration of the transports which were fitted at Durban as hospital ships, and the result of his work has been universally admitted to have been a conspicuous success. I strongly recommend him to your consideration.

"Warrant Officer Carpenter S. J. Lacey, R.N., has rendered valuable service in supervising the fitting of hospital ships and in transport work generally. I recommend him to your favourable notice.

"The following officers acted as my aides-de-camp, and I submit their names for your favourable consideration. Each and all of them are thoroughly capable and deserving officers, and rendered me great assistance:—

"Commander Edgar Lees, Royal Navy (and others).

"Lieutenant A. Halsey, R.N., H.M.S. Philomel, commanded the last detachment of the Naval Brigade which was left with the Natal Field Force, and, like all the rest of the Brigade, their services were most valuable.