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 Surname   Forename   Rank   Notes 
GrassWSnr 2nd EngineerTransport Medal, clasp: South Africa. Ship: City of Rome (Anchor Line).
Source: Transport Medal roll
GravesVChief OfficerTransport Medal, clasp: China. Ship: Kaifong (China Navigation).
Source: Transport Medal roll
GrayA2nd EngineerTransport Medal, clasp: China. Ship: Itinda (British India).
Source: Transport Medal roll
GrayCChief EngineerTransport Medal, clasps: South Africa and China. Ship: Antillian (Leyland Line).
Source: Transport Medal roll
GrayG2nd EngineerTransport Medal, clasp: South Africa. Ship: Wardha (British India).
Source: Transport Medal roll
GrayJ H3rd OfficerTransport Medal, clasp: China. Ship: Roodiana? (British India).
Source: Transport Medal roll
GrayW2nd OfficerTransport Medal, clasp: South Africa. Ship: Urmston Grange (Houlder Bros).
Source: Transport Medal roll
GrayW C2nd EngineerTransport Medal, clasp: China. Ship: Palamcotta (British India).
Source: Transport Medal roll
GrearsonJ T3rd EngineerTransport Medal, clasp: South Africa. Ship: Chicago (Wilson's & Furness Leyland).
Source: Transport Medal roll
GreenP3rd EngineerTransport Medal, clasp: South Africa. Ship: Narrung (Lund's Blue Anchor). Issued to father 1904
Source: Transport Medal roll
GreenT2nd EngineerTransport Medal, clasp: China. Ship: Clavering (Hazelhurst).
Source: Transport Medal roll
GreenhalghG T2nd EngineerTransport Medal, clasp: South Africa. Ship: Pindari (Brocklebank).
Source: Transport Medal roll
GreigWChief EngineerTransport Medal, clasp: China. Ship: Rajah (Asiatic SN). Returned to Mint
Source: Transport Medal roll
GrierT JMasterTransport Medal, clasps: South Africa and China. Ship: Lawada (British India).
Source: Transport Medal roll
GrieveWChief EngineerTransport Medal, clasp: South Africa. Ship: Mahratta (Brocklebank).
Source: Transport Medal roll
GriffinR H3rd OfficerTransport Medal, clasp: South Africa. Ship: Plassy (P&O).
Source: Transport Medal roll
GriffithsB W2nd OfficerTransport Medal, clasps: South Africa and China. Ship: Maine (Atlantic Transport).
Source: Transport Medal roll
GriffithsG N3rd OfficerTransport Medal, clasp: South Africa. Ship: Montrose (Elder Dempster).
Source: Transport Medal roll
GrimleyW2nd & Chief EngineerTransport Medal, clasps: South Africa and China. Ship: Wardha / Zibenghla (British India). Presented by the King 4 Nov 03
Source: Transport Medal roll
GrindleyH3rd EngineerTransport Medal, clasp: South Africa. Ship: Catalonia (Cunard).
Source: Transport Medal roll
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