The regiment sailed on the Manchester Merchant on 30th November 1901. Shortly after their arrival they were brigaded with the 2nd Dragoon Guards under Colonel Lawley, and the work which the brigade did has been sketched under 2nd Dragoon Guards.
The assistance which the 7th Hussars were able to afford to the Queen's Bays on 1st April 1902 at Leeuwkop, east of Springs, in the Central Transvaal, was absolutely invaluable, as the Bays were being extremely hard pressed.
Two officers and 2 non-commissioned officers of the 7th Hussars were mentioned in despatches by Lord Kitchener during the comparatively short period they were on active service, and in the final despatch the names of 3 officers and 2 non-commissioned officers were added. Four officers and 1 man, who had been attached to other units, were mentioned in Lord Roberts' despatches of 2nd April and 4th September 1901.