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This page provides an introduction to the Anglo Boer War website and explains its aims and objectives and how best to use it.
- To make available, free of charge and advert/popup free, a wide range of information on the Anglo Boer War, 1899 - 1902.
- To contain the details of as many people who were involved in the Boer War as possible.
- There are two ways to search the site: 1. Using the search box at the top right of the screen searches all the pages in the site. 2. Using the search box at the top of the Name Search page or any unit page allows you to search the register of names and their details.
- It may be necessary to use both search boxes to ensure you have searched the entire site.
- Note that some people have multiple entries in the register, one for each source of information.
- Registration is free. Registered users can post to the forum and post comments against articles.
- If you do register on the site, your details will not be passed to any third party or used for any form of marketing.
- All of the images on the site can be clicked on the view the full size image.
- Where there are many images on a page, wait for the thumbnail images to appear before clicking an image. This will ensure the image opens in the image viewer that lets you then scroll through the images.
- Most of the images have been watermarked. This is to stop some individuals from copying and then selling images from the site.
Named photographs
- The most common question we receive relates to the naming of photographs. We know the value of identifying individuals in photographs and, as a result, names have been added wherever they are available. If the names are not listed then we don't know the names.
System notices
- Occassionally, we have issues with the site. When these happen, we post a message in the forum to advise users of the site of the issues.
- If you come across any pages that do not work correctly, please contact the administrators so that any problems can be corrected. Use the Contacts menu option at the top of the screen to send a message.