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 Surname   Forename   No   Rank   Notes   Unit 
A Court-RepingtonCharlesLieutenant ColonelBorn in 1858 and entered Rifle Brigade, 1878; Brevet Lieutenant Colonel 1899. Staff service: Staff Captain (Intelligence.) Headquarters of Army, 1890-93; DAAG (Intelligence.) Headquarters of Army, 1893-95; DAAG, Egypt, 1897-98; Brig, Major Sudan Expedition Force, 1898; Military Attache (temp.) Brussels and The Hague, 1899; DAAG, South Africa, 1899-1900. War service: Afghan War, 1878 (medal with clasp); Nile Expedition 1898 (Despatches, May and September 1898; Brevet of Lieutenant Colonel; Egyptian medal with clasp; medal); Boer War, 1899-1900; with Ladysmith Relief Force; Spion Kop (Despatches, QSA (3)).
Source: List of CMG recipients. Various sources
A'AlbuquerqueA4th Battalion
Source: QSA and KSA medal rolls
Royal Warwickshire Regiment
A'BeckettAlfred Howard38237Trooper2nd Battalion
Source: QSA Medal Rolls
Scottish Horse
A'BeckettAlfred Howard38237TrooperServed 24 Sep 01 to 02 Mar 02. Discharged M.U.
Source: Nominal roll in WO127
Scottish Horse
A'BeckettT4429PrivateQSA (1). Died of disease, 04 Apr 00.
Source: QSA medal rolls
19th (Queen Alexandra's Own Royal) Hussars
A'BeckettT4429PrivateQSA (1) DoL
Provisional list of recipients
Source: Ladysmith Siege Account and Medal Roll
19th (Queen Alexandra's Own Royal) Hussars
A'BeckittT4129PrivateDemise: Died of disease - enteric fever 04 Apr 1900
Place: Chieveley
Source: In Memoriam by S Watt
19th (Queen Alexandra's Own Royal) Hussars
A'CourtCLieutenant ColonelCommandant of Headquarters. MID LG: 8 February 1901, page: 971. Source: General Buller. 9 November 1900. Re: Lof C - Natal
This page contains all the London Gazette pages for the Boer War
A'CourtCColonelMID LG: 10 September 1901, page: 5927. Source: Field Marshal Roberts. 4 September 1901. Re: General mentions
This page contains all the London Gazette pages for the Boer War
A'CourtS CSource: QSA and KSA medal rollsNew Zealand, 10th Contingent
A'CourtS CSource: QSA and KSA medal rollsNew Zealand, 5th Contingent (Imperial Bushmen)
A'CourtS C9103Quartermaster Sergeant FarrierDemise: Died of disease - pneumonia 05 Aug 1902
Place: At Sea
Source: In Memoriam by S Watt
New Zealand, 10th Contingent
A'CourtW HSource: QSA and KSA medal rollsNew Zealand, 10th Contingent
A??RSource: QSA and KSA medal rolls18th Battery, RFA
A??TayFSource: QSA and KSA medal rolls82nd Battery, RFA
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