The following pdfs have been generated from the War Service section of the June 1905 Army List.
Imperial officers are listed by surname in the first section. Colonial officers are listed by geographical area at the end of the list.
File sizes of the pdfs vary between 50K and 9MB.
The best way to look for a particular person is to use the main site search function.
Surname A |
Surname B to Bellairs
Surname Bellamy to Brancker
Surname B from Brand
Surname C to Cobbold
Surname C from Cobden
Surname D to Dewer
Surname D from Dewhirst
Surname E
Surname F
Surname G to Goren
Surname G from Gorgen
Surname H to Henburne
Surname H from Hepper
Surname I
Surname J
Surname K
Surname L to Lewin, T
Surname L from Lewin, W
Surname M to Masson
Surname M from Martyn
Surname N
Surname O
Surname P to Picton-Warlow
Surname P from Piens
Surname Q
Surname R to Rivett-Carnac
Surname R from Rimington
Surname S to Sherborooke
Surname S for Sherer to Stanton
Surname S from Stannell
Surname T
Surname U
Surname V
Surname W to Whiteman
Surname W from Whitestone
Surname Y
Surname Z
Australia |
New Zealand |
Canada |
South Africa |
Parent Category: Books
Category: War Office: Army List
Hits: 6046