Honours and rewards bestowed upon officers and men of the Royal Sussex Regiment for the South African War:--
Col. the Earl of March, A.D.C.,(3rd Battn.)
Lt.-Col. B. D. A. Donne.
Brevet Lt.-Col.
Major L. E. du Moulin.
Brevet Major
Capt. A. R. Gilbert,
Capt. E. H. Montrésor, etc.
Lieut. and Adjt. R. Bellamy,
Major A. R. Gilbert,
Capt. F. Robinson,
E. L. Mackenzie,
Lieut. E. F. Villiers,
C. E. Bond.
Lieut. A. R. Hopkins was specially promoted for services in the field to a Captaincy in the Manchester Regiment.
Medals for Distinguished Conduct in the field:--
Sergt.-Major S. S. Thwaits,
Sergt. T. Gates,
Color-Sergt. T. Jones,
Lance-Sergt. A. Ockleford, Lance-Sergt. A. Nye,
Corpl. P. Hoad, Corpl. A. Weston,
Pte. J. Gill, Pte. H. Snaith, Pte. T. Say,
Q.-M.-Sergt. C. Pittman, Q.-M.-Sergt C. Nevill,
Sergt. G. Weston, Sergt. T. Scrase.