Introduction |
Chapter I - Proem |
Chapter II - Knightsbridge Barracks |
Chapter III - The voyage out |
Chapter IV - Maitland |
Chapter V - To the front |
Chapter VI - Bester's Flats |
Chapter VII - On to Senekal |
Chapter VIII - Klip Drift Nek |
Chapter IX - Middlesex Kopje |
Chapter X - To Ficksburg |
Chapter XI - Back to Klip Drift Nek |
Chapter XII - Rundle closes in |
Chapter XIII - Hammonia and Willow Grange |
Chapter XIV - How we rode to Fouriesburg |
Chapter XV - The Brandwater Basin |
Chapter XVI - Prinsloo's surrender |
Chapter XVII - With the prisoners |
Chapter XVIII - On to Harrismith |
Chapter XIX - Harrismith to Mill River |
Chapter XX - To Reitz via Georgina |
Chapter XX1 - The Wilge River and Vrede |
Chapter XXII - A cattle drive to the Transvaal |
Chapter XXIII - Bethlehem and Senekal |
Chapter XXIV - Bronkhorstfontein to Elandskop |
Chapter XXV - Back to Reitz |
Chapter XXVI - To Harrismith |
Chapter XXVII - "The Standerton Trek" |
Chapter XXVIII - Harrismith again |
Chapter XXIX - The Winburg Trek |
Chapter XXX - Winburg to Senekal |
Chapter XXXI - Rietpan and Blaauwkop |
Chapter XXXII - The Necrame Nek trek |
Chapter XXXIII - Reitz evacuated |
Chapter XXXIV - Disheartening days at Elands River |
Chapter XXXV - Ordered to Ficksburg |
Chapter XXXVI - Work at Ficksburg |
Chapter XXXVII - Mill-destroying expedition |
Chapter XXXVIII - More work at Ficksburg |
Chapter XXXIX - To Warringham's store through Basutoland |
Chapter XL - Ladybrand, Clocolan and Ficksburg |
Chapter XLI - Final work at Ficksburg |
Chapter XLII - More Brandwater Basin |
Chapter XLIII - Fouriesburg and Surrender Hill again |
Chapter XLIV - Naauwpoort Nek and Golden Gate |
Chapter XLV - Harrismith to Cape Town - 'The longest way round is the shortest way home" |
Chapter XLVI - Homeward Bound |
Appendix I - List of camps |
Appendix II - Roster and record of the 34th Company IY |
Appendix III - Casualties of the 34th Company IY |
Appendix IV - In the enemy's hands |
Appendix V - A ballad of the 34th |
Appendix VI - Tweefontein |