The following pdfs have been generated from volume I of the Cassell's History of the Boer War.

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Introduction pdficon_large
Chapter I - The first fight - Talana Hill pdficon_large
Chapter II - The causes of the war pdficon_large

Chapter III - The Burghers make ready - their first moves

Chapter IV - The battle of Elandslaagte pdficon_large
Chapter V - Early movements in Cape Colony - the northern border pdficon_large
Chapter VI - The western border: Mafeking - Vryburg - Kuruman - Kimberley pdficon_large
Chapter VII - The arming of Britain pdficon_large
Chapter VIII - Natal - after the battle of Elandslaagte pdficon_large
Chapter IX - The retreat from Dundee pdficon_large
Chapter X - How White saved the Dundee column - the reconnaissance of Rietfontein pdficon_large
Chapter XI - How White sallied out - and something of 4.7 pdficon_large
Chapter XII - Pepworth pdficon_large
Chapter XIII - Nicholson's Nek pdficon_large
Chapter XIV - Northern Cape Colony - a skirmish at Belmont pdficon_large
Chapter XV - The siege of Mafeking pdficon_large
Chapter XVI - From Nicholson's Nek to the arrival of reinforcements - reconnaissances and skirmishes pdficon_large
Chapter XVII - The siege of Ladysmith - the bombardment - the first attack pdficon_large
Chapter XVIII - Some skirmished and a night attack pdficon_large
Chapter XIX - With Methuen - the first steps towards Kimberley pdficon_large
Chapter XX - On the road to Kimberley - the battle of Belmont pdficon_large
Chapter XXI - With Methuen - Enslin pdficon_large
Chapter XXII - Modder River pdficon_large
Chapter XXIII - Stormberg pdficon_large
Chapter XXIV - With Methuen - Magersfontein pdficon_large
Chapter XXV - Before Colenso pdficon_large
Chapter XXVI - Colenso pdficon_large
Chapter XXVII - The Empire's reserves pdficon_large
Chapter XXVIII - The siege of Ladysmith (continued) pdficon_large
Chapter XXIX - The Imperial Yeomanry pdficon_large
Chapter XXX - The siege of Ladysmith (continued) pdficon_large
Chapter XXXI - With Methuen - after Magersfontein pdficon_large
Chapter XXXII - The assault on Ladysmith pdficon_large
Chapter XXXIII - French in Caoe Colony - some successes and a disaster pdficon_large
Chapter XXXIV - With Buler - the Natal campaign (continued) pdficon_large
Chapter XXXV - The siege of Kimberley - two sorties and a great loss pdficon_large
Chapter XXXVI - Buller moves again pdficon_large
Chapter XXXVII - Warren's movements on the left flank - capture of Spion Kop pdficon_large
Chapter XXXVIII - On Spion Kop pdficon_large
Chapter XXXIX - The retreat pdficon_large
Chapter XL - Roberts take command - and a word on strategy pdficon_large
Chapter XLI - Cape Colony - Gatacre's minor movements pdficon_large
Chapter XLII - With French - fighting and manoeuvring pdficon_large
Chapter XLIII - The siege of Kimberley (continued) pdficon_large
Chapter XLIV - Kimberley relief force - Macdonald moves pdficon_large
Chapter XLV - The new plan of campaign - French's march to Kimberley pdficon_large
Chapter XLVI - The march on Kimberley (continued) pdficon_large
Chapter XLVII - A convot lost and a town won pdficon_large
Chapter XLVIII - The relief of Kimberley pdficon_large
Chapter XLIX - The flight and the pursuit of Cronje pdficon_large
Chapter L - Operations in the north of Cape Colony - a chapter about Colonials pdficon_large
Chapter LI - Towards Ladysmith once more pdficon_large
Chapter LII - Vaal Krantz and back again pdficon_large
Chapter LIII - The battle of Paardeberg pdficon_large
Chapter LIV - The week in the laager pdficon_large
Chapter LV - A successful night attack - the surrender of Cronje pdficon_large
Chapter LVI - The relief of Ladysmith - the prologue pdficon_large
Chapter LVII - The relief of Ladysmith - the first act pdficon_large
Chapter LVIII - The relief of Ladysmith - the second act pdficon_large
Chapter LIX - The relief of Ladysmith - the third act pdficon_large
Chapter LX - The siege of Mafeking (continued) pdficon_large
Chapter LXI - The relief of Ladysmith - finale pdficon_large
Chapter LXII - In Ladysmith - the end of the siege pdficon_large
Chapter LXIII - Cronje's last march pdficon_large
Chapter LXIV - The siege of Mafeking (continued) pdficon_large
Chapter LXV - The Queen and her people pdficon_large
Chapter LXVI - The march on Bloemfontein - Poplar Grove pdficon_large
Chapter LXVII - Negotiations - the battle of Driefontein pdficon_large
Chapter LXVIII - To Bloemfontein pdficon_large
Chapter LXIX - The other end of the line - Clements' and Gatacre's operations pdficon_large
Chapter LXX - Bloemfontein - supplies and a folly pdficon_large
Chapter LXXI - Koorn Spruit - a disaster pdficon_large
Chapter LXXII - The death of Joubert - action at Karee Siding pdficon_large
Chapter LXXIII - A lost reputation - Reddersburg pdficon_large
Chapter LXXIV - Subduing the land - the south west Free State pdficon_large
Chapter LXXV - The south east corner pdficon_large
Chapter LXXVI - The siege of Wepener pdficon_large
Chapter LXXVII - To the relief of Wepener pdficon_large