The following pdfs have been generated from A soldier's diary, 1899 - 1901, the diary of Murray Cosby Jackson of the 7th Mounted Infantry.

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pdficon_large      Publisher's note
pdficon_large      Contents
pdficon_large  Chapter 1 - From Ireland to the Cape
pdficon_large  Chapter 2 - The start
pdficon_large  Chapter 3 - Early experiences
pdficon_large  Chapter 4 - M.I.
pdficon_large  Chapter 5 - Round Johannesburg
pdficon_large  Chapter 6 - Pretoria and Diamond Hill
pdficon_large  Chapter 7 - With MacDonald
pdficon_large  Chapter 8 - From Harrismith to Heilbron
pdficon_large  Chapter 9 - Adventures with Remounts
pdficon_large  Chapter 10 - Bothaville
pdficon_large  Chapter 11 - On the Basuto border
pdficon_large  Chapter 12 - Chasing De Wet
pdficon_large  Chapter 13 - Clearing the farms
pdficon_large  Chapter 14 - A rear-guard action and a new mount
pdficon_large  Chapter 15 - Incidents
pdficon_large  Chapter 16 - The fight near Bultfontein
pdficon_large  Chapter 17 - I get enteric
pdficon_large  Chapter 18 - Rejoining the column
pdficon_large  Chapter 19 - The death of Serget-Major Watson
pdficon_large  Chapter 20 - With Kitchener
pdficon_large  Chapter 21 - Drives
pdficon_large  Chapter 22 - The end of the war