[Service recognition by Baden-Powell ]
I can fully testify to the valuable work done by the Railway Division under Captain More's energetic and intelligent direction during the Siege, as detailed in the above concise report.
(Sgd.) R.S. Baden-Powell.
25th May, 1900.
[Service recognition by E. Cecil C.S.O]
18th November, 1899.
Dear Mr More.
With reference to your letter of the 23rd ultimo, I am desired by Colonel Baden-Powell, to say that he entirely approves of your proposal; and that he is very glad to be able to have this opportunity of expressing his high appreciation of the excellent work done by the Railway on under your command, which has materially assisted in the defence of Mafeking.
Yours very truly,
(Sigd) E.H. .Cecil, Major
C. S. O.
To The Commandant,
Railway Division,