GENERAL BULLER'S attempts to relieve Ladysmith were four in number: of which three, for various reasons, were failures, and the fourth successful. The first was the frontal attack at Colenso, spoilt by the unfortunate loss of our guns under Colonel Long, which got within range not only of the Boer trenches, but of the cannon in Fort Wylie. The second was the attack on Spion Kop; the third the advance to and seizure of Vaal Krantz. The fourth began on February 17 with an assault on Monte Cristo and the Cingola positions; and the following day both were captured, and the enemy were driven across the Tugela. The strong Boer position on Hlangwane Hill on the extreme east was taken, and Colenso itself occupied by February 20. On February 21 the Fifth Division crossed the river, and for the next two days there was heavy fighting round Pieter's Station, when two or three counter-attacks were repelled. The first effort to occupy Pieter's Hill, which was the key of the Boer position, was tried and failed on February 24, the Inniskillings suffering severe losses in the engagement Then General Buller returned to the south side of the Tugela and relaid his pontoon bridge at another point The new movement was crowned with success. On Tuesday, February 27, Pieters Hill was stormed and the enemy's main position afterwards carried; while on the next day, February 28, Lord Dundonald with his cavalry entered Ladysmith, which was thus relieved on the one hundred and nineteenth day of a heroic and memorable siege.
Burleigh: Epilogue
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