Rank and Name. Remarks.
Major Gore, St. J. C. Promoted to Lieutenant Colonel Commanding.
Major Edwards, A. H. M. Commanding Imperial Light Horse.
Major Heneage, A. R. Sick list from January to April.
Major Stobart, W. E. Invalided before siege.
Captain Hoare, H. Wounded 3 rd Nov. Invalided home.
Captain Eustace, D. O.
Captain Darbyshire, P. H. Invalided home.
Captain Kennard, H. G. Invalided home.
Captain Holden, E. F. Invalided home.
Captain Mappin, G. F. 4thDragoon Guards. Invalided home.
Captain Gaunt, C. R. 4th Dragoon Guards. Wounded 8th Dec.
Lieutenant Winwood, W. Q.
Lieutenant Travers, A. P.
Lieutenant Clay, B. G.
Lieutenant Reynolds, P. G.
Lieutenant Watson, G. H.
Lieutenant Pomeroy, Hon. R. L. Invalided home.
Lieutenant Dunbar, L. M.
Lieutenant Saunders, 0. E. M.
Lieutenant Home, G. A. S.
Lieutenant Mathew-Lannowe, B. H. H. 4th Dragoon Guards. Invalided home.
Lieutenant Richardson, J. J. 11th Hussars. Wounded 6th Jan.
Second Lieutenant Melvill, J. L.
Second Lieutenant Piatt, C. S. Died.
Second Lieutenant Norwood, J., V.C. Invalided home.
Second Lieutenant Kearsley, R. H.
Second Lieutenant Kinnear, R. H. Died.
Lieut, and Qr.-Master Farbrother, C. H.
Major Minniece, J. R.A.M.C. Died.
Major Hilliard, G., C.M.G. R.A.M.C.
Regl. No. Rank and Name.
2247 R.S.M. Boag, Henry.
2279 F.Q.M.S. Foulds, George.
4265 O.R.S. Luckett, Charles.
4296 S. Trumpeter. Gore, Charles.
2288 S.S.M. Oliver, George.
2460 S.S.M. Forrest, Robert.
3069 S.S.M. Cooper, William.
2828 S.S.M. Hurst, Arthur.
2450 S.Q.M.S. Curtis, Carlton.
2344 S.Q.M.S. Thomas, Henry.
2721 S.Q.M.S. Howlett, John Flemying.
2167 S.S. Farrier Woods, Hance.
2017 S.S. Farrier Parker, Tom.
2594 S.S. Farrier Wetherall, Henry.
3007 S.S. Farrier Storey, W.
3125 S.S. Farrier Peel, John.
3366 S.S. Farrier Williams, John.
3476 Sergt. Farrier Veal, James.
2589 Sergeant Rose, William Bertie.
2110 Sergeant Gilbert, Henry.
2367 Sergeant Smith, Arthur Hammond.
3055 Sergeant Manning, Henry.
3901 Sergeant Taylor, George.
2722 Sergeant Thompson, Henry L.
2966 Sergeant Garnham, George William.
3352 Sergeant Harris, Harry.
3303 Sergeant Downs, John Ernest.
3418 Sergeant Kelly, Francis Joseph.
3422 Sergeant Darby, Frederick.
3338 Sergeant Toyer, William George.
3454 Sergeant Pooley, Charles.
3367 Sergeant McCormick, Neil.
3458 Sergeant Magrath, Terrence Thomas.
3710 Sergeant Blythman, Cyril.
3543 Sergeant Heath, Charles Edward.
3663 Sergeant Read, William.
3559 Sergeant Slocombe, Robert George.
4436 Sergeant Savage, William Cowluern.
3686 Sergeant Green, James William.
3796 Sergeant Long, Henry Walter.
3930 Sergeant Freeman, Edward Deane.
3359 Sergeant Hyett, Thomas.
3972 Sergeant Dixon, Thomas Fraser Homer.
3470 Lance-Sergeant McDonnell, Thomas.
3H2 Lance-Sergeant Dawson, Cecil Hubert Thrower.
3963 Lance-Sergeant Greenland, Frederick Arthur.
4040 Lance-Sergeant Corbett, Henry.
3760 Corporal Malone, John.
3788 Corporal Harker, Henry.
3780 Corporal Riddick, Herbert John.
3984 Corporal Elliott, Thomas.
3692 Corporal Woodman, Charles.
4033 Corporal Howard, William.
4500 Corporal Harrington, George.
4291 Corporal Beamish, Holmes.
3408 Corporal Pickles, William Elliott George
3455 Corporal Grange, George.
3973 Corporal Jones, Harry Stephen.
4063 Corporal Lovett, George Thomas.
4180 Corporal Langford, William.
2634 Corporal Pike, Thomas.
3975 Corporal Chamberlin, William.
3703 Corporal Howard.
3806 Corporal Marks, Albert Sydney.
3659 Corporal Green, Frank Albert.
3271 Corporal Faulkner, Samuel.
4079 Lance-Corporal Glinnan, Charles Henry.
4227 Lance-Corporal Kellock, James A.
4047 Lance-Corporal Weeks, George Edward.
4146 Lance-Corporal Elmes, Frederick Charles.
4203 Lance-Corporal Rees, William Bertie Skone.
4248 Lance-Corporal Harrison, Charles.
4297 Lance-Corporal Adams, Gordon.
4329 Lance-Corporal Smith, Herbert Emery.
4114 Lance-Corporal Wilkins, Alfred.
4257 Lance-Corporal Bellingham, Albert Walter.
4295 Lance-Corporal Foxwell, Henry Norris.
4414 Lance-Corporal Hirst, William.
4462 Lance-Corporal Towner, Robert.
4465 Lance-Corporal Cossy, Thomas.
4506 Lance-Corporal Dalziel, Robert.
4547 Lance-Corporal Robinson, William George.
3614 Lance-Corporal Cook, James Henry.
3992 Lance-Corporal McKenzie Sidney Valentine.
4128 Lance-Corporal Orton, Charles William John.
3977 Lance-Corporal Stewart, John.
4305 Lance-Corporal Branch, Albert Horace.
4274 Lance-Corporal Johnson, William Henry.
4287 Lance-Corporal Stevens, William.
4195 Lance-Corporal Burgess, Wallace.
4213 Lance-Corporal Gallo, Frederick.
4268 Lance-Corporal Osborne, James.
4239 Lance-Corporal Millband, John William.
4401 Lance-Corporal Ledingham, David.
4341 Lance-Corporal Doggett, Henry John.
4210 Lance-Corporal Webb, Albert.
4231 Lance-Corporal Pearce, Charles.
4472 Lance-Corporal Preston, John.
4534 Lance-Corporal Soliague, Hugh Larmour.
3675 Lance-Corporal Steeds, Albert.
4501 Lance-Corporal Thorne, Walter.
4377 Lance-Corporal Stericker, Stanley.
4202 Lance-Corporal Addy, Thomas Robert.
4533 Lance-Corporal Canham, Benjamin Race.
4452 Lance-Corporal Taylor, George.
37H Lance-Corporal Charles, Thomas Henry.
3875 Corporal S.S. Long, Thomas Daniel.
3634 Corporal S.S. Mills, Henry.
4074 Corporal S.S. King, Edward Charles.
4118 S. Smith Pearson, Mark.
3866 S. Smith Carey, Michael Joseph.
4345 S. Smith Williams, James Watkins.
4496 S. Smith Clough, Berry.
4507 S. Smith Mouncer, Robert.
4244 S. Smith Eggleton, Frank.
3425 Lce.-Corpl.-Tptr. Wall, Alfred Edward.
3929 Trumpeter Stevens, Walter.
4165 Trumpeter Cotton, Frederick.
3623 Trumpeter Collier, Harry.
3624 Trumpeter Cruse, George Alfred.
349o Trumpeter Spinks, Henry.
4395 Private Abbott, James.
4050 Private Alexander, James William.
3250 Private Allison, William Fanwick.
3798 Private Anderson, John.
3869 Private Arthur, Ernest William.
4560 Private Ashlin, Harry.
3832 Private Askew, Alfred.
4389 Private Aslett, Charles.
3915 Private Atkins.
3812 Private Ault, Samuel.
3728 Private Bagshaw, Edward.
4354 Private Bailey, John Sharpe.
4348 Private Baines, Thomas George.
3947 Private Baird, John.
3739 Private Baker, Charles.
3787 Private Baker, James Henry.
4417 Private Banbury, Richard.
45r9 Private Banham, James.
458o Private Banks, Albert Edward.
4599 Private Barlow, George Robinson Hinde.
4479 Private Bayley, Charles William.
4306 Private Beard, John.
39l3 Private Beardon, Walter George.
4600 Private Beckett, Ashton Clemen
3720 Private Benton, John Henry.
4381 Private Berry, William.
4079 Private Bevans, Edward.
4134 Private Bevis, Walter Bernard.
4593 Private Blackburn, Alfred.
3722 Private Bond, Henry.
4095 Private Bowman, William.
4013 Private Bragg, Edward Elias.
4282 Private Bratterzani, Frederick.
4427 Private Bray, William.
3825 Private Brennan, James.
4603 Private Brenchley, Percy.
4495 Private Broadbent, Loyenel.
3695 Private Bromfield, George.
4145 Private Brown, Henry.
4259 Private Brown, George.
4508 Private Bryan, John Francis.
4502 Private Buck, Alfred.
4197 Private Buckeridge, Alfred Richard
4588 Private Burden, Edward.
4578 Private Burnell, Arthur Henry
4498 Private Burgess, Lionel John.
3830 Private Burrows, Percy.
4511 Private Burtonshaw, Thomas
4570 Private Bush, Charles.
3818 Private Butler, Charles.
3892 Private Cant, Joseph.
4467 Private Campbell, James.
3491 Private Cant, Joseph.
3158 Private Carmody, William.
4563 Private Carrick, John.
3643 Private Carroll, John.
4470 Private Carter, William Thomas
4250 Private Cave, John Edward.
3790 Private Chitty, Arthur.
4272 Private Church, Walter.
3917 Private Clancy, Patrick.
4286 Private Clarke, Herbert.
4330 Private Clarke, Jesse.
4561 Private Clarke, Herbert.
4591 Private Clarke, David Raffaele Other.
3958 Private Cleaver, Alfred.
4508 Private Clode, Harold Charles.
4364 Private Cook, John.
4048 Private Connolly, Michael Frederick.
4402 Private Cooper, Charles.
4497 Private Coppard, Henry.
3817 Private Corbett, William.
3873 Private Cornish, Arthur.
3691 Private Coulston, William.
3855 Private Cox, Thomas Oliver.
4382 Private Coxhead, John.
4280 Private Cragg, James.
4120 Private Crouch, William.
4527 Private Crouch, Richard James.
3820 Private Cullen, John.
3832 Private Cunniff, Joseph.
4480 Private Cunningham, George William Francis.
4000 Private Dale, Herbert.
4476 Private Darken, Edwin.
3404 Private Davis, Benjamin Richard.
4606 Private Dawson, Harold John.
4521 Private Day, John Hutchinson.
4338 Private Death, Charles Alfred.
4554 Private De Ville.
3667 Private Dingley, Henry.
4437 Private Dingwell.
4S81 Private Diprose, Charles Beaconsfield
4592 Private Dixon, Walter Henry.
3172 Private Donovan, James.
4440 Private Douglas, John.
3803 Private Dow, Archibald.
4229 Private Doyle, Richard Frederick.
4572 Private Doyle, William.
4400 Private Duffield, George.
3640 Private Eccles, George.
3934 Private Edwards, Charles.
4464 Private Edwards, John.
4602 Private Edwards, Frederick.
3907 Private Elliott, Thomas Frederick.
4128 Private Ellis, John Campbell.
3924 Private England, John George.
4353 Private Evans, Frank.
3857 Private Fallon, James.
4478 Private Farley, George.
3673 Private Faulkner, Ernest.
4487 Private Fell, Woodburne.
4019 Private Fielder, William.
4504 Private Filtness, George William.
4162 Private Fisher, Edward James.
4482 Private Fisher, Arthur Edward.
4583 Private Flather, Henry.
4148 Private Fleming, William David.
4034 Private Fowler, William James.
2462 Private Fox, John.
4552 Private Fox, Sidney Arnold.
3748 Private Fry, William Sidney.
4181 Private Fuller, Herbert Campbell.
3747 Private Game, Alfred.
4516 Private Gash, Thomas.
4532 Private Geens, Edwin.
4215 Private George, William.
3868 Private Gibbons, Henry.
4405 Private Giddings, Herbert.
4242 Private Godwin, Frederick George.
3801 Private Gray, Walter.
3881 Private Greaves, Thomas.
3931 Private Green, Thomas.
4246 Private Green, Edmund.
4565 Private Green, Joseph.
4562 Private Gregory, Walter.
3906 Private Gunter, Harry.
390+A3403 Private Gurd, Robert.
4309 Private Gurr, Herbert.
4548 Private Hackett, Harry.
4564 Private Hamil, Matthew.
3688 Private Harbinson, William.
4503 Private Hardwick, Edward George.
3662 Private Harper, Joseph.
4490 Private Harrington, Stephen.
4514 Private Harris, Percival Eli.
4520 Private Harrison, Harry.
3698 Private Harvey, Arthur.
4178 Private Hayes.
4485 Private Hayes, Daniel.
3849 Private Hayson, Charles John.
4179 Private Hayter, William.
4274 Private Heally, Denis Joseph.
4290 Private Heffer, Eli.
4025 Private Henderson, James.
4456 Private Henry, William Joseph.
4236 Private Hewitt, Frederick James.
4339 Private Hildreth Raymond Edwin.
3969 Private Hills, James.
4475 Private Hinde, Joseph.
4567 Private Hoffman, Charles Franz.
4122 Private Holden, John.
3742 Private Holmes, George.
3981 Private Holmes, John Henry.
4556 Private Holt, William.
3770 Private Hone, Samuel.
3872 Private Horner, Hugh Massey.
3681 Private Horan, Joannes.
372i Private Horn, George.
4087 Private Howard, Thomas.
3664 Private Huby, Alfred.
4434 Private Hurst, Percy Ross.
4536 Private Isaac, Arthur.
4375 Private Ives, Charles William.
4601 Private Jackson, Eli.
3764 Private James.
4546 Private James, Edward Owen.
4598 Private Jameson, John.
4091 Private Jefferson, Percy Albert.
3668 Private Jeffrey, Frederick.
4461 Private Johnson, John.
3672 Private Jones, Edwin Caswell.
4517 Private Jones, James John.
4595 Private Jones, George Edwin.
4523 Private Jordan, Edward Alfred.
3708 Private Keene, Henry Murnford.
4201 Private Kett, George Edward.
3680 Private Kettle, Frederick.
4075 Private King, John.
4026 Private Kirk, Robert Everitt.
3705 Private Knights, Robert William.
3979 Private Lane, Alfred.
4468 Private Laurie, John.
4298 Private Leigh, Albert Edward Turland
4474 Private Leishman.
4573 Private Letherland, James.
4559 Private Lewington, Henry.
4435 Private Linger, Francis Dix.
4555 Private Logan, John.
4193 Private Long, Robert Christopher.
4153 Private Lovegrove, Henry.
4526 Private Lovejoy, Wilfrid George.
4572 Private Lovelock, George.
3772 Private Lyness, David.
4136 Private Lynham, James.
4083 Private Makings, George Edgar.
3777 Private Mannock, Edward.
4214 Private Mansbridge, David.
4550 Private Mapson, George Walter.
4494 Private Marshall, Frederick George.
3776 Private Martin, George.
4084 Private Mason, Richard.
4342 Private Mason, Henry George.
4579 Private Mason, Henry.
4471 Private Mathie, John.
4557 Private Maxtead, George Thomas.
3744 Private McBride, William.
4469 Private McConnell, Hugh.
3951 Private McKenzie, David.
4553 Private McLennon, Kenneth James.
3694 Private McToleridge, Henry.
4055 Private Merrall, Alfred.
4556 Private Miller, Frank Henry.
4569 Private Milton, Alfred.
4504 Private Moore.
4175 Private Moreland, John.
3983 Private Morgans, Thomas.
3986 Private Morris, Thomas.
4372 Private Morris, William.
4551 Private Morris, Harvey Alexander.
4509 Private Moss, Edward Davidson.
4539 Private Mouncer, William.
3757 Private Munroe, James.
3921 Private Murphy, Christopher James.
3763 Private Murray, James.
3749 Private Neville, James George.
4067 Private New, John Alfred.
4486 Private Norman.
4312 Private Norris, Robert William.
4534 Private Norris, John Edward.
4411 Private O'Brien, Robert.
4327 Private Offord, George.
3793 Private Ottaway, George.
4374 Private Page, Thomas.
4510 Private Parker, Joseph.
4571 Private Perry, Arthur.
4537 Private Phillips, Alfred.
3876 Private Pikeman, Henry William.
4529 Private Pinder, Alfred.
3695 Private Piper, George.
4234 Private Pooley, Samuel.
4391 Private Porter, Percy Frederick.
4365 Private Price, Herbert.
4415 Private Purchon, William.
3693 Private Raine, William Tanner.
4054 Private Ralph, George.
4007 Private Raymond, George.
4528 Private Rigby, Albert.
3779 Private Riley, George.
4056 Private Rimmer, James.
3945 Private Roe, Michael.
3870 Private Rogers, Gilbert Edward.
4052 Private Rogers, George.
4542 Private Rossbrook, William Underwood.
4221 Private Rymer, Joseph.
4119 Private Salter, Charles.
4361 Private Sargisson, Harry William.
4386 Private Saunders, Joseph Henry.
3879 Private Scott, Arthur.
4332 Private Scott, Frederick.
4029 Private Sell, Horace William.
4073 Private Shore, Charles Henry.
3720 Private Sibthorpe, William.
4352 Private Simmonds, Wilfred.
4406 Private Skellhorn, James.
4141 Private Skidmore, William.
4097 Private Slater, Robert.
4456 Private Sloan, John.
3861 Private Smith, George John.
3899 Private Smith, Patrick.
4549 Private Smith, Charles.
4568 Private Smith, Frank John.
4573 Private Snelling, Raynham.
4174 Private Sparey, Laurence.
4014 Private Stansfield, Isaac.
4524 Private Stevens, Samuel.
3638 Private Stone, Josias Henry.
4481 Private Sutherland, Charles.
3880 Private Symes, Charles.
3871 Private Tait, Herbert.
4304 Private Taken, William.
3908 Private Taylor, Andrew.
4363 Private Taylor, Frederick.
4538 Private Thornborough, Alfred.
4484 Private Tobin, William.
453o Private Toole, James.
4367 Private Treadwell, Charles.
4558 Private Trebbett, Joseph Lewis.
3905 Private Trelfall, George.
4535 Private Tuck, John Alfred.
4544 Private Turtlebury, Joseph.
3637 Private Tyrrell, Harry.
434o Private Vincent, Arthur.
3819 Private Waine, John.
4220 Private Wall, Edward Charles.
4577 Private Wallace, Henry William.
3993 Private Walsh, Ralph Townsend.
4012 Private Walsh, William.
4325 Private Ward, James Edward.
4466 Private Ward, David.
3778 Private Watson, James Leitch.
4379 Private Watson, Samuel.
3754 Private Watts, Henry Ross.
4346 Private Webber, Frederick.
3719 Private West, Albert Edward.
4459 Private Westoby, Percy Durrant.
4587 Private Westoby, Edgar.
4428 Private Wetterburg, Carl Alexander.
3677 Private Whineray, Charles Henry.
4022 Private White, William Henry.
4597 Private Whittlesay, Ernest Edward.
3701 Private Wickham, Frederick George.
3635 Private Wickes, Alfred John.
3633 Private Wicks, William Henry.
4289 Private Williams, Albert.
4515 Private Williams, Charles.
3723 Private Wilson, Joseph.
4410 Private Wilson, Edward.
4531 Private Wilson, Edward.
4543 Private Wilson, Thomas.
35i6 Private Windsor, John Charles.
4218 Private Wood, Gilbert.
4333 Private Wooding, Frank.
4491 Private Woollard.
4124 Private Woolley, Francis.
4553 Private Wortley, Adolphus.
4261 Private Wright, George Henry.
3898 Private Wynne, Walter Henry.
4499 Private Younger, James.
653 Armr.-Sergeant Wright, Herbert.
Saddler-Sergt. Carter.
Assist.-Surgeon Weston. I.S.M. Dept.
4th Dragoon Guards attached
4747 Private Barry, John
4505 Private Chambers, William.
3591 Private Connor, James Francis.
4482 Private Craig, William.
4167 Private Davie, Alexander.
4566 Private Goodall, John.
4146 Private Llewelyn, George.
4346 Private Logan, George.
4249 Private Moore, Thomas.
4406 Private Pepper, Frederick.
4127 Private Phipps, Robert Colin.
4620 Private Wood, George.
11th Hussars attached
3194 S.Q.M.S. Eldridge.
3932 Lance-Corporal Searle, Frederick.
4166 Private Baker.
4146 Private Burrows, John.
3823 Private Chalmers, John.
4255 Private Davis, Arthur.
3808 Private Doggett, John.
3832 Private Foster.
4254 Private Germany, Frederick.
3829 Private Haigh, John.
3979 Private Harvey, F. H.
3822 Private Holmes, William.
3773 Private Hunt, Howard.
3922 Private Kewley.
3882 Private May, Frederick.
4086 Private McKenna.
3941 Private Mellor.
4159 Private Mitchell, Lionel.
3642 Private Reid.
3934 Private Stirrett.
3928 Private Tustin, Frank.
4033 Private Wilson, James.
3631 Private Woodley.
3704 Private Whitehead, Thomas J. H.
3782 Private Ogle, Robert John.
4150 Private Robinson, W. G.
Gore: Appendix II
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- Category: Gore: The Green Horse in Ladysmith
- Hits: 13845