Distribution Committee.
LIEUTENANT-COLONEL C.B. VYVYAN, Commandant of Mafeking.
MR. C.G. BELL, Resident Magistrate.
MR. A.H. FREND, Mayor.
Total amount made available for distribution £29,267
Of which the Committee allotted to: (£)
Widows and orphans : 6,536
Refugees : 4,630
Town relief : 3,741
Seaside Fund : 2,900
Churches, convent, schools, etc. : 2,900
Wounded men : 2,245
Small tradesmen : 1,765
Hospital staff, nuns, etc. : 1,115
Colonel Plumer's Rhodesian Column, etc.: 1,000
June 6, 1909.
The "Rainy Day Fund," formed from the balance of the Relief Fund, still exists, and though the amount now in it is small, it is sufficient to enable the Trustees (Mayor of Mafeking and Civil Commissioner) to make occasional grants in cases of distress among those who suffered during the siege, or who have fallen on evil days since.
Collected by Lady Georgiana Curzon : 24,000
Collected by Colonel Baden-Powell's school comrades at Charterhouse (in addition to gifts in kind) : 1,150
Collected by Lady Snagge (£643) and Birmingham Argus (£350) for sending nurses, women, and children, to seaside : 993
The following sent over £100 each:
Conservative Club, Liverpool.
Melbourne Club.
Mr. Butler, of Wellington, New Zealand.
Tunbridge Wells Imperial Association.
Right Hon. C.J. Rhodes.
Swansea, Wales.
Salisbury, Mashonaland.
Mr. J. Garlick, of Cape Town.
Mayor of Brighton.
Raleigh Club, London.
Mr. William Nicol.
Sent by Lord Mayor of London from Mansion House
Fund 200
Mr. Leonard Rayne, theatrical impresario, of South Africa, inaugurated the "Rayney Day Fund," with a view to ultimate calls for relief by members of the garrison in years to come.