1.—The Corps shall consist of two or more troops, each troop to consist of not more than 50 men (including officers), to be called the "Natal Carbineers."
2.—There shall be one Lieutenant-Colonel, one Major, the Adjutant, the Surgeon, and Quartermaster, to be elected by the corps; and one Captain, one Subaltern, and noncommissioned Officers to each troop, to be elected by the troop.
3.—They shall wear a simple and inexpensive uniform.
4.—Their arms shall be a single or double-barrelled gun and a sword.
5.—They shall be called out for exercise 20 days in the course of the year.
6.—They shall be bound to proceed to the appointed place of meeting without delay (within two hours after receiving notice), and to serve in any part of the County of Pietermaritzburg, or in any part of the District, not being more than 30 miles from the general place of rendezvous.
7.—Non-commissioned officers shall call out the troop.
8.—Any part of the Corps, provided not less than twenty men (with discretionary power in the commanding officer to increase the number), may be called out within the limits aforesaid, to support the authority of the civil power, when it appears likely to be resisted.
9.—It shall be in the power of the commanding officer, in cases of great emergency, for the protection of the town, to call out the corps, or part of the corps, without waiting for orders from Government, and also when Governors, or other distinguished persons are arriving at, or leaving the colony.
10.—Rules shall be framed by the Corps, in accordance with the provisions of Ordinance No. 11, 1865, for enforcing discipline. Offenders shall be tried by court martial, chosen by the Corps; punishment shall be by fine; the amount of fines to go to the general fund of the Corps.
11.—The uniform of the Corps shall be blue, with white facings, consisting of a shell jacket, overalls (strapped), helmet of leather, with white cover, and forage cap.
1.—Applications, for leave of absence, shall be laid before, and decided upon, by a Board, consisting of the Colonel and four members of the Corps.
2.—If any member be desirous of leaving the Corps, he may do so by giving six months' notice thereof to the commanding officer, or at any time by finding a substitute (to be approved of by the committee named in the 1st Bye-law,) or on payment of £5 to the funds of the Corps.
3.—The commanding officer shall have power at any time to call for volunteers, in case their services be required, without the limits of the county.
4.—It shall be the duty of officers commanding troops, at the request, in writing, of any member thereof, on sufficient cause being shown by the applicant, to call a court martial, to investigate any cause complained of, either against officers or men.
5.—The court martial shall consist of a President and six members, the former to be drawn from the commissioned officers of the Corps, by rotation, the latter by ballot from the whole Corps; the Quarter Master to be Acting Judge Advocate. The proceedings of such court martial shall be forwarded to the commanding officer, for his approval, and it shall be lawful for such commanding officer to authorise and approve of the sentence of every such court martial, or he may order such court to reassemble once, and reconsider their finding, or sentence, and no sentence of any such court martial shall be carried into execution until confirmed by the commanding officer; and it shall likewise be in the power of such commanding officer to remit the whole, or any part of such sentence, as to him may seem fit.
6.—Any member of the Corps absenting himself from drill or service, unless absent on leave (except in cases of sickness or indisposition, when a certificate from the regimental surgeon, or his assistant, must be produced), shall be fined in a sum not exceeding £10.
7.—Any member guilty of insubordination, disobedience of orders, or drunkenness when on duty, shall be liable to a fine, not exceeding £2 for the first offence.
8.—It shall be lawful for the commanding officer, on any member appearing at muster in a slovenly state, either in person or accoutrements, to inflict a fine, not exceeding 5s., on any offender who has been twice warned, and if the irregularities are further persisted in, after the infliction of such fine, to order a court martial on the party so transgressing.
9.—Any member not appearing at muster at the appointed time, shall be liable to a fine not exceeding 6s., according to the order of the commanding officer. The trumpet for saddling up shall sound half-an-hour before the time appointed for muster, and again five minutes before roll-call.
10.—The quarterly musters shall take place on the first Monday, and four following days in March, June, September, and December, in each year, the Corps to muster on the Market Square, at 6 a.m., for three hours, and at 4 p.m., for two hours' drill on each day.
11.—In the event of any officer dying, or retiring from the corps, his successor shall be elected by nomination and ballot; the commanding officer to have power to fill up all vacancies temporarily, whether occasioned by death or otherwise. No new election shall be made without fourteen days' previous notice.
12.—It shall be competent for the commanding officer to call a general meeting of the corps, or upon receiving a requisition signed by not less than ten members thereof, for the purpose of altering the Rules, or amending Bye-laws, etc.
13.—No member of the Corps shall be considered eligible for promotion as commissioned or non-commissioned officer, until he shall have received a certificate of his fitness or capability from the Adjutant, and be approved of by the Lieutenant-Colonel.
14.—An Orderly Book shall be kept, in which the Rules, Bye-laws, etc., as sanctioned by Ordinance, shall be entered; such Orderly Book to be open at all times for inspection by any member of the Corps. The expenses of printing, advertising, etc., shall be paid out of the general fund of the Corps.
Stalker: Rules of the Natal Carbineers
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