Crowe: Contents and illustrations
Hits: 7917
Crowe: Introductory remarks
Hits: 3124
Crowe: Chapter I - Commissioning: Experimental cruises
Hits: 3035
Crowe: Chapter II - Voyage to the Cape: Crossing the "line"
Hits: 2664
Crowe: Chapter III - Resume of South African History
Hits: 2942
Crowe: Chapter IV - Naval Brigade in South Africa: Anglo-Boer War 1899-1900
Hits: 5712
Crowe: Chapter V - Defence of Durban by the Navy—the town under martial law—Boer invasion south of the Tugela —arrival of Sir Redver's Buller in Natal
Hits: 5232
Crowe: Chapter VI - Relief of Ladysmith operations—Off to the front —Stormberg and Magersfontein—Bombarding the Colenso positions
Hits: 3955
Crowe: Chapter VII - Battle of Colenso
Hits: 3647
Crowe: Chapter VIII - Awaiting reinforcements — Christmas carnival in camp—Summary of current events—Desperate assault on Ladysmith
Hits: 3296
Crowe: Chapter IX - The great flank march westward—Arrival of Buller's army at Spearmans
Hits: 3031
Crowe: Chapter X - Spion Kop operations
Hits: 4860
Crowe: Chapter XI - Vaal Krantz operations—Retirement of Buller's army to Chieveley
Hits: 3499
Crowe: Chapter XII - Fourth and final attempt—Capture of Tugela Heights—Ladysmith relieved !
Hits: 3237
Crowe: Chapter XIII - In Ladysmith camp—Summary of the famous siege —Captain Mahan, U.S.N., and the British transport service — Return of the Terribles to Durban
Hits: 3413
Appendix III - List of Officers and Men belonging to H.M.S. "Terrible" mentioned in Despatches: South Africa; China
Hits: 4607