Dundee[4] |
18th Hussars. |
One sqdn., Natal Carbineers. |
M.I. coy., 1st battn. Leicestershire regiment. |
M.I. coy., 1st battn. King's Royal Rifle Corps. |
M.I. coy., 2nd battn. Royal Dublin Fusiliers. |
Detachment Natal Police. |
13th, 67th, and 69th batteries, R.F.A. |
1st battn. Leicestershire regt. |
1st battn. King's Royal Rifle Corps. |
2nd battn. Royal Dublin Fusiliers. |
Ladysmith |
5th Lancers. |
19th Hussars. |
21st, 42nd, and 53rd batteries, R.F.A. |
10th mountain battery, R.G.A. |
23rd coy., R.E. |
1st battn. Liverpool regt. and M.I. coy. |
1st battn. Devonshire regt. |
1st battn. Manchester regt. |
2nd battn. Gordon Highlanders. |
Natal Mounted Rifles. |
Natal Carbineers. |
Border Mounted Rifles. |
Natal Field artillery. |
Detachment Natal Police. |
Natal Naval Volunteers. |
Natal Corps of Guides. |
Colenso |
Durban Light Infantry. |
Detachment Natal Naval Volunteers. |
One sqdn., Natal Carbineers. |
Estcourt |
Natal Royal Rifles. |
Pietermaritzburg |
2nd battn. King's Royal Rifle Corps. |
Imperial Light Horse. |
Helpmakaar |
Umvoti Mounted Rifles. |
Eshowe |
One mounted coy., 1st battn. King's Royal Rifle Corps. |
Durban |
One sqdn., 5th Dragoon Guards. |
[Tablenote 5: The 1st battn. Royal Irish Fusiliers, and one section, 23rd coy., R.E., arrived at Dundee during 15th and 16th October.]
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Category: Maurice: History of the War in South Africa
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