David - once again just ticking a box is inadequate - the Transvaal War Album photo of the Officers of the 2/Worcesters deserves written thanks and a WOW!
I agree 100% with your identification, if not your spelling. I believe the photo can be dated to 12th December 1899 plus or minus four days, with the emphasis on the plus side. To get to that date your need to reread what Mildred Dooner had to say about C
oningham and study the service records of the men who served under him in South Africa. This link takes you to the words of Mildred Dooner:
Below are some names for others in the photo and I think Ernest Charles Forbes Wodehouse may be two to the left of the centre sitting man. Others should be fully identifiable given a bit of time.
Major (Brevet. Lt.-Col.) G. Hacket Pain
Major W. F. G. Hardisty
Captain C. M. Edwards
Captain H. de B. Hovell
Captain G.W.Lewis
Captain M. J. J. Sweetman
Captain B. H. Thomas
Brevet. Major A. K. Stubbs
Lieut. W. R. Chichester
Lieut. H. J. Bartholomew
Lieut. B. K. W. Bacon
Lieut. H. A. Carr
Lieut. R. G. D. Nivison
Lieut. E. B. Hankey
Lieut. H. A. Lang
Lieut. R. A. C. L. Leggatt
Lieut. J. H. M. Arden
2/Lieut. G. M. C. Davidge
2/Lieut. M. R. Carr
Lieut. & Adjutant E. C. F. Wodehouse
Captain (Quartermaster) J. Ralston.
Amongst the above in addition to a schoolmate of Kipling you have a great, great grandson of
the Josiah Wedgwood. The medals of H de B Hovell are a prized possession of QSAMike but you have to go back a decade to discover that - calling Canada!