Thank you Shaun, I’m glad to know that you are enjoying the book.
Chapter 5 -Fighting around Colesberg and more specifically pages 40 & 41 deal with the 12TH of February’s events at Hobkirk’s Farm.
In answer to your questions:
1. I’m afraid that I haven’t seen a photograph of Frank Goodridge. I have just checked the museum website again. There is a Lance Corporal from WW1 who may be a relation.
2. One Colour Serjeant, three Serjeants and one private were killed.
Page 40 contains the diary entry of Serjeant William Blencowe of A Company, but it was half of B Company who were at Hobkirk’s Farm on that day.
I hadn’t found any other accounts and can only speculate but I should hope that any Serjeant worth his salt would get his men out first.
The Victorian Mounted Rifles were helping the Wiltshire’s to safety and lost Major Eddy.
3. The entry in Goodridge’s service record is not a mistake. He was promoted vice (In the place of) Serjeant Walkley who died two days later.
Therefore, Goodridge either couldn’t actually have been a Serjeant on the 12th or he was, and later replaced Walkley. Unfortunately I see that his service record doesn’t give an actual date of promotion, so we will never know. Also, there is always a discrepancy between casualty returns and digests. Whilst I tried to clarify everything sometimes you have to go with what is recorded.
My next book will be an accurate account and analysis of the Colesberg Operations and I hope to uncover further information.
I hope that helps.
Thank you once again for your interest in my book.
Best wishes