SYDNEY, July 16
....The men of the Bushmen's Corps who returned to Melbourne from South Africa on Thursday, brought back with them the Bushmen's dog, "Bushie," a beautiful collie, who carries a sort of saddle on his back, on which inscribed on a silver plate are these words: "I am the Bushmen's dog - whose dog are you?"
....On the voyage out, Bushie was severely stabbed by a black sailor. Recovering, it landed with the regiment at Beira, where it was predicted that it could never survive the journey through Rhodesia - the tse-tse flies and the ticks would kill it - but the dog accompanied the men to Marandellas and thence to Mafeking.
....On the way the ticks infested it, with the result that both hind legs became paralysed, and for the last three weeks of the journey the dog had to be carried in one of the baggage waggons.
....Two months later, during a severe engagement, he was lost, but turned up subsequently in the ranks of a Scottish regiment, in which, after sharing the fortunes of the field, he fell into the hands of the Boers.
....On the release of the Scotchmen the Boers decided to retain "Bushie," but the dog managed to escape, and following the tracks of his comrades, rejoined the Scottish ranks after a long and lonely pursuit of over 150 miles.
....The faithful animal was again made a prisoner of war, and again managed to escape, for the Wiltshires, in passing through Elandsfontein to join the Bushmen at Naauwpoort in pursuit of De Wet, found him suffering from a bullet wound in the chest at the former town, and so were able to restore him to his astonished masters, hale and sound, when their forces joined.
...."Bushie," whose sire and dam are both high pedigreed dogs and winners of numerous prizes, is now in the possession of the original owner.
Hull Daily Mail, Wednesday 17th July 1901
I wonder if a picture or a photo of Bushie appeared in a Melbourne newspaper.