A poster I haven't seen before. The actual stunt was a little less dramatic.
"SOUTH AFRICAN BOER WAR / NEAR TEMPLE OF FRATERNITY / INTRAMURAL STATION ELEVEN / EAST OF AGRICULTURE BUILDING / THREE PERFORMANCES DAILY / 2:30, 4:30, 8:30 P.M. / Produced under direction of FRANK E. FILLIS / CAPT. ARTHUR W. LEWIS, Gen'l Manager / MILITARY CAMP, 12 ACRES / Savage South African Kraals. National South African Exhibit and Curio Museum open from 11 a.m. to 10:30 p.m."
Commandant J.N. Boshof, General Piet Cronje, General Ben Viljoen and Commandant G.M. van Dam posing in front of a "blockhouse".
The chute used for the De Wet stunt is out of view on the left.
For orientation, the building in the far distance on the right is the Temple of Fraternity (see map above).
.Courtesy of Chapman University Digital Commons
The setup for the De Wet stunt, erected on the west side of the arena.
Postcard advertising the same stunt at Brighton Beach.
The photograph appears to have been taken at the St Louis re-enactment.