Strathcona's Corps - Regimrntal Orders
Regimental Orders by Lt. Col. Steele
Commanding Strathcona's Corps
November 11th, 1900
1. Detail Orderly Officer for to-morrow :- Lt. Christie
Next for Duty :- Lt. Strange
2. Officers, N.C.O.s & men of pom-pom gun detachment will on all occasions of dismounted parade when without the gun fall in with the squadron to which they originally belonged.
3. Letter
The following letter from Maj. Gen. Barton 6th Brigade is published for information of all concerned:-
"To Lt. Col. Steele, Commanding Lord Strathcona's Corps:
I cannot speak to highly of the practical and efficient manner in which the duty assigned to your splendid corps was carried out by yourself and all under your command yesterday, and I have specially mentioned this in my report to the Commander in Chief. I only regret that circumstances prevented my supporting your movements by advancing further with the main body and remaining out for the night, as I feel convinced now that greater results would have been secured. The capture of stock is most satisfactory. I much regret the casualty of one man wounded and one missing.
(sgd) J. Barton, Maj. Gen.
Frederickstad, 10th November 1900
4. Reveille
Reveille will be at 5.30 am to-morrow. Cooks and batmen to be called and rise at
By Order
E. F. Mackie, Capt. & Adjt.