1900 - Diary of the siege of Mafeking by Edward Ross
Wednesday, 7 February
Long before daylight this morning the Boers could be heard at Game Tree singing psalms for all they were worth, and could be seen praying, and it is now a matter of conjecture with us as to the cause, whether it denotes either a victory or defeat, for they sing and pray over every event. Please God our fellows are at last on the move and have done something good. We think now it must be the latter as after breakfast the enemy with their puny idea of revenge sent a shell into the hospital, and immediately afterwards one into the women’s laager. What curs they are, and what a lot they will have to answer for.
At 10 this morning they commenced firing shrapnel, but soon left off as they know everybody takes cover and they only waste powder and shells.
The S. and D. News brought into camp today seems to have somewhat altered its bombastic tone. Good omen for us. Only wish we could get some reliable and late news, whatever it would be, it would give us new life and energy. We should then be absolutely sure that something was being done. It is this being cooped up like rats in a hole, with the meagrest [sic] of two months’ old information, that causes despondency.
The Boers must have gone to bed early this evening or else they have struck, as they have forgotten to give us our after dark shelling.
Another explosion in the brickfields last night, done by Currie and S. Taylor; this is the third. At this rate they will soon level all the kilns and then have a clear front and endeavour to drive out that beastly little gun the enemy have emplaced there.