1900 - Diary of the siege of Mafeking by Edward Ross
Thursday, 1 March
Big Ben again chucking big things at us, one of its shells today going plump into the new Commissariat store in Musson’s buildings, doing considerable damage, and pieces of others knocking lumps out of houses, etc., but no casualties.
Another marvellous escape today, that of Mrs. Whales. This lady was in the house with her children when the firing bell rang, and she had just time to drop two children out of the window into the dugout, when a large piece of the shell came through a glass outside door, through an open door behind which Mrs. Whales was standing and passed out through the window in the room opposite, and eventually went through three brick walls of a coolie house next door. The ladies I must say are very plucky, in fact too plucky, and should be kept down more. One would imagine this sort of thing would collapse the nerves of women entirely, but they all kept up wonderfully well, and trot out on Sundays as smiling as ever.
This morning the fugitive natives who failed to get through the enemy’s lines the other evening were again sent out, this time in broad daylight and, as I understand, under cover of Snyman’s permission, but as soon as ever they got within close range of Game Tree, the Boers opened a fearfully telling fire on them, killing and wounding a very considerable number. Nothing else but cold-blooded murder on the part of those swines outside. Of course the poor unarmed devils had to retire on us again, and all our doctors went out and rendered what assistance they could. The natives of course carried a white flag, which the Boers absolutely took not the slightest notice of. For brutality and dastardly barbarism, this takes the cake. Another item in B.P.’s report that will have to be settled with the enemy.
Our new big gun, the "Wolf”, is being sent out to the brickfields this evening. "Oh what a surprise” for the Boers. Hope to goodness it does some good tomorrow before the enemy can make preparations for cover, and will give them a taste of what we have been receiving.
They will also get a little surprise presently by receiving a few dynamite hand-grenades, which are being made by Lieutenant Feltham of the P.R.
Formed out of jam tins, and handy for throwing, they will be destructive and useful if our men have to storm their trenches at all. Under these circumstances, I am told, their use is permissible.
Weil's stock of food-stuff has now been taken over by Captain Ryan, D.A.A.G. (the "daag”) and all rations are issued from the Commissariat yard.
Raining again best part of the day.
Thank goodness no more Big Ben since lunch-time, not even a good-night shot. I expect their emplacements have got too soft with the rain.
Just when the good clean wholesome water is wanted again, down comes the rain. Who can say that providence is not still with us?
Feltham is going to throw his grenades by means of a loop at the end of a long whip stick.