S T R A T H C O N A’ S H O R S E
Regimental Order
Orders by Lt. Col. Steele
Commanding "Strathcona's Horse"
Standerton, Transvaal
25th June 1900
No. 1 Detail:
Detail for tomorrow, Orderly Officer of the Day, Capt. Cartwright, Next for Duty, Capt. Livingstone, R.E. Attached.
No. 2 Duties:
In accordance with Brigade Orders the Regiment will be on duty tomorrow to furnish a patrol of 300 men, to patrol the country S.E. and S.W. of Standerton and along the railroad.
"A" Squadron will furnish 100: "B" Squadron will furnish 100: "C" Squadron will furnish 100. They will march at 8.00 am and carry with them one ration for officers and men and one feed for horses. Six transport wagons will accompany the party.
The duties will be to patrol the country on the right and left of the railroad to a distance of 5 miles on either side, and about 12 miles from Standerton to make prisoners of and Boers or any suspicious parties with or without arms and to collect all the forage possible, giving a reciept for the forage taken and taking note of the name of the persons from whom it is taken together with the name of place of the farm.
No. 3 Guards:
"A" and "B" Squadrons will also furnish a N.C.O. and 6 men each to watch the Heidelburg and Bethel roads, they will go out a distance of between 3 and 4 miles.
Corp. Traill will be in charge of "A" Squadron party. Sergt. Skirving will be in charge od the "B" Squadron party. They will get their instructions from the adjutant before leaving. Time of departure to be detailed later.
"C" Squadron will detail one N.C.O. and 4 men to report to the assistant provost marshall at the Court House at 4 pm. They will remain on duty until 10.00 pm. Sergt. Logan in charge.
No. 4 Appointment:
S.S.M. Hooper of "A" Squadron is detailed for duty with the machine gun battery until further orders. He will look after the stores and supplies.
No. 5 Appointment:
Until further orders Reg. No. 433 Sgt. D'Amour will act as A.Sgt. Major of "A" Squadron.
By Order
E. F. Mackie, Lt.
3rd Mounted Brigade Orders
Standerton, Transvaal
25th June 1900
No. 1 Telegrams
Private telegrams can now be despatched from the Post Office Standerton.
No. 2. Arrivals
The Bethune's Mounted Infantry having arrived are taken on the strength of the Brigade.
No. 3 Duties
O. C. Units will issue stringent orders to their men that they are to use only the regular latrines; and contravention of such orders on the part of any individuals should be severely dealt with.
General Cleary when visiting the Camp today noticed that men of different corps of the brigade were making indiscriminate use of the dongas and kopjes near the camp. This must be put to a stop at once.
No. 4 Grazing Guards
O.C. Units will take steps to have sufficient guard for the safe guarding of oxen while grazing in and around camp.
By Order
W. R. Birdwood, Maj.
Brigade Major
After Order
The regiment on duty in addition to any other duties to which it may be detailed, will detail one N.C.O. and 4 men to report to the assistant provost marshall at the Court House (right hand corner of Market Square) at 4.30 pm. This patrol will remain on duty until 10.00 pm.
All washing must be carried out at a point 200 yards below where the horses are watered.
Lost: A Queen's Chocolate Box the property of Lt. Bullen 4th Brigade, M.I. containing letters addressed to the owner and other papers. The above reward will be given to anyone producing the box and letters contained in it or giving information causing the box to be found.