The watch fobs below are all made from 75 mm Krupp BL segment shell fragments.
The example on the right with punched initials "W.M" was made for Sergeant W. MAIN, 'F' Coy, Sect IV, Kimberley Town Guard (Moster's Redoubt). This was purchased with the fob with the gold shield (in the centre) which is named to "A. MAIN". The latter man does not appear on the Siege of Kimberley medal roll, but was clearly a close relative of Sergeant Main. Most of these souvenirs were bought by battlefield tourists after the lifting of the siege. Pieces attributable to men who served during the investment are more difficult to come by.
75 mm Krupp BL Segment Shells
The South African Military History Society, Military History Journal, Vol. 3 No 4 - December 1975
Mrs Winifred Heberden wrote on 23/11/1899: “Have had a 'Siege Trophy' given to me in the shape of a brooch. It is made of the copper binding of a shell thrown into Kenilworth. From this is suspended one of the iron 'chocolate drop' shaped pieces from the inside of the shell - this particular piece having killed the horse of a Sergeant in the Cape Police”.