Royal Canadian Dragoons - tribute plaque 1 year 2 weeks ago #93248
I have at last found a couple of reports relating to the distribution of the Toronto Ladies' testimonials (plaques and cups).
It seems they were only presented to members of the 1st Canadian Mounted Rifles / Royal Canadian Dragoons (Second Canadian Contingent) and "C" Battery Royal Canadian Field Artillery. A list of 90 recipients appeared in the Toronto Star (18 Jan 1901), though this is not exhaustive, with the paper noting that "Miss G. Elmsley of 13 Elmsley Place will be pleased to be advised if any names have been omitted from this list". The fact that one of the known extant examples is to a man not on the list, shows that some names had indeed been omitted. Also, the list in the Toronto Star does not include officers. The presentation took place on Saturday 19th January 1901, in the Parliament Buildings, Toronto, in the presence of the Premier of Ontario (Sir George William Ross). Mr Cockburn’s statement that “the cups and the plaques for the men had not all been completed” implies that some men received cups instead of plaques. As the plaques were inscribed to “their brave sons of the Royal Canadian Dragoons”, it seems likely that the men of the R.C.F.A. were the recipients of the cups. This would mean that a total of 78 plaques and 20 cups were distributed. Lieutenant-Colonel Lessard received a punch bowl. LIST OF RECIPIENTS (1 punch bowl, 78 plaques & 20 cups) KNOWN EXAMPLES HIGHLIGHTED IN GREEN Royal Canadian Dragoons (1 punch bowl & 78 plaques) – Lieutenant-Colonel Francois Louis LESSARD (received a punch bowl) Major William FORESTER Veterinary-Major William Burray HALL Captain and Adjutant Charles MacKleen NELLES Lieutenant H.Z.C. COCKBURN Lieutenant James H. ELMSLEY 6 Quartermaster-Sergeant George John SIMPKINS [Simkins] 51 Squadron Sergeant-Major James WIDGERY 53 Sergeant William RHOADES 54 Sergeant Herbert Frederick FULLER 55 Sergeant George HUDSON ??? Sergeant C.J. HENINGTON (no record found) 236 Sergeant Nathan MEDHURST 83 Sergeant Ernest Arthur STEER 87 Sergeant Lewis A. TILL 2 Trumpeter Sergeant Alfred Richard SKINNER 63 Corporal Michael John CALLAHAN (absent – not yet returned) 76 Corporal Samuel LATREOUILLE 93 Corporal Shoeing-Smith Albert John LOVEGROVE 101 Trooper Charles E. ANDERSON 102 Trooper William James ANDERSON 22 Trooper [Corporal] Emerson BALDWIN 59 Trooper [Corporal] Earl BATES 145 Trooper John BAXTER 45 Trooper Angus BEATON 103 Trooper Albert BOUCHARD 60 Trooper William Quinton BRAGG (absent – not yet returned) 104 Trooper Fergus BROWN 34 Trooper Frederick Walter BURITT 106 Trooper Samuel BURNETT 62 Trooper William Irvin BUTTERFIELD 108 Trooper Edwin CHAMBERS 64 Trooper John CLARK 65 Trooper Charles COOKE 110 Trooper William Edward CORDINGLEY 226 Trooper Charles Oswald DeLISLE (absent – not yet returned) 38 Trooper David H. DOUST 111 Trooper John Thomas DUGUID 112 Trooper Samuel James FARRELL (absent – not yet returned) 69 Trooper Edward FITZGERALD 115 Trooper Frank HARBOTTLE 116 Trooper J.W. HARMAN 15 Trooper John Barton HERON 70 Trooper James HIBBITT 71 Trooper [Corporal] William HODGSON 381 Trooper Thomas HOGAN 74 Trooper Andrew Gordon INGLIS (absent – not yet returned) 120 Trooper I. JOHNSON 28 Trooper Henry JORDAN 317 Trooper James KEILLEAR ??? Trooper LEE (no record found) 42 Trooper Herbert Hatherley LOOSEMORE (wounded, Belfast, 07/11/1900; not on published list but his plaque is extant) 77 Trooper John Wynnchester LOWE 122 Trooper Henry [Harry] Hamilton LYON 80 Trooper John William McGAHEY 126 Trooper Frank McILLROY 127 Trooper David M. McKIBBIN 46 Trooper John R. MIDDLETON 78 Trooper William MITCHELL 123 Trooper William J. MORRISON 124 Trooper William T. MORRISON 79 Trooper William B. MUIR 39 Trooper John James O’BRIEN 131 Trooper James POTTS 132 Trooper Albert M. RICHARDSON 188 Trooper Robert Sheriff ROBINSON 133 Trooper George SMITH 135 Trooper Richard William Edward SPICER (absent – not yet returned) 109 Trooper W.B. SPINK 88 Trooper Frederick THORNTON (dangerously wounded, Boschpoort, 23/09/1900) 137 Trooper William John TOWNLEY 89 Trooper John VINE (absent – not yet returned) 144 Trooper John Henry Trooper WALKER 32 Trooper Darrell Ince WARREN (absent – not yet returned) 91 Trooper Edward WAUDBY (subsequently 246 Pte E. Waudby, 2nd C.M.R.) 139 Trooper William James WHEATLEY 140 Trooper Frederick WYATT 141 Trooper David Douglas YOUNG 90 Trooper Andrew Henry VIZARD “C” Battery, Royal Canadian Field Artillery (20 cups) – Lieutenant Lewis Erskine Wentworth IRVING Lieutenant William Parkyn MURRAY 137 Gunner George CHANDLER 132 Gunner Lorne CLARKSON ??? Gunner HEALEY (no record found) 111 Gunner Alexander Stewart JOHNSON 135 Gunner Walter McCOLLUM (wounded, Relief of Mafeking, 16/05/1900) 112 Gunner William J. MacDONALD (brother of below) 113 Gunner Francis Caren MacDONALD (brother of above) 133 Gunner George POWELL 126 Driver John Charles BOND (absent - joined Howard's Scouts) 108 Driver Leopold Brock FULLER 114 Driver Charles E. McEACHERN 130 Driver Henry RAYNOR 115 Driver George SCHELL 159 Driver John SHAW 118 Driver John William TIBBS 119 Driver Ernest Laurence TYNER 117 Driver George Robert SWEENY 131 Driver George Thomas WALLIS 120 Driver Arthur Henry WOOD
Toronto Ladies' plaque presented to Trooper Loosemore, 1st Canadian Mounted Rifles [Royal Canadian Dragoons].
According to the Canadian War Museum, the plaques were made by J.E. Ellis Co Ltd. However, I have been unable to find a maker's name on the above example. CANADA / UNITED WE STAND VET RIVER / ZAND RIVER / KLIP RIVER / DIAMOND HILL / REITFONTEIN / OLIFANTSFONTEIN / WITPOORT / LILIEFONTEIN TORONTO LADIES’ TRIBUTE TO THEIR BRAVES SONS OF THE ROYAL CANADIAN DRAGOONS, SPECIAL SERVICE FORCE, FOR THEIR VALOROUS SEFVICES TO QUEEN AND EMPIRE IN THE SOUTH AFRICAN CAMPAIGN JANUARY 1901 42 H.H. LOOSEMORE Toronto Star, 18th January 1901 LIST OF LUCKY ONES. Returned Soldiers Who Will Receive Gifts From Toronto Ladies Tomorrow Night. The returned soldiers of the second contingent, who are to receive testimonials from the ladies of Toronto tomorrow night, may secure the necessary cards of admission to the reception hall in this way: Members of the 9th Battery to apply to Major Myles, 47 Colborne Street; Governor-General’s Body Guard, to Captain Fleming, 29 East Front Street; Queen’s Own Rifles, Lieutenant-Colonel Delamere, Parliament Buildings; Royal Grenadiers, Lieutenant-Colonel Bruce, City Hall; 48th Highlanders, Lieutenant-Colonel Macdonald, Confederation Life; Permanent Corps, Stanley Barracks. It is optional for those attending the reception to wear evening dress. Those entitled to the testimonials are: – Royal Canadian Dragoons – Sergt.-Maj. WIDGERY, Sergts A. RHOADES, H.F. FULLER, George HUDSON, C.J. HENINGTON, STEER, L.A. TILL, MEDHURST, Quartermaster-Sergt. SIMKINS, Trumpeter SKINNER, Troopers ANDERSON, BEATON, BUTTERFIELD, CLARK, COOK, FITZGERALD, J. HIBBITT, KEEHLER [sic], J.W. LOWE, McGAHEY, MITCHELL, MUIR, RICHARDSON, THORNTON, WANBY [sic], WYATT, YOUNG, VIZARD, Corps. BALDWIN, BATES, HODGSON, TREMOUILLE [sic], LOVEGROVE. Governor-General’s Body Guard – Troopers BAXTER, BROWN, BURNETT, CORDINGLEY, DAOUST [sic], JOHNSTON [sic], LYON, McKIBBON [sic], W.J. MORRISON, O’BRIEN, SMITH, WALKER, TOWNLEY, WHEATLEY. [Others – ] BURCHARD [sic], BURITT, CHAMBERS, DUGUID, HARBOTTLE, HARMAN, HOGAN, Henry JORDAN, McILLROY, MIDDLETON, MORRISON, POTTS, ROBINSON, SPINK, LEE. Artillery – Gunners HEALEY, JOHNSON, McCOLLUM, CHANDLER, MacDONALD, POWELL, CLARKSON; Drivers WOOD, WALLIS, SCHELL, TYNER, TIBBS, FULLER, McEACHREN [sic], SHAW, RAYNER [sic], HERON, SWEENEY [sic]. Not yet returned – Troopers BRAGG, DeLISLE, FARRELL, VINE, SPICER, WARREN, CALLAHAN, and INGLIS. Miss G. Elmsley of 13 Elmsley Place will be pleased to be advised if any names have been omitted from this list. Toronto Star, 21st January 1901 A ROYAL WELCOME TO MEN IN KHAKI The Reception by the Ladies of Toronto a Brilliant Success. SOUVENIRS FOR HEROES The Premier and the Mayor Make Congratulatory Addresses to Them. Beautifully decorated and brilliantly illuminated, the Parliament Buildings presented a scene on Saturday which has never been rivalled in the history of that stately pile. The Legislative Chamber was crowded, a large part of the audience being ladies in evening dress, while a guard of honour composed of detachments from the Royal Regiment of Canadian Infantry, the Royal Canadian Dragoons, and the Governor-General’s Body Guards lent dignity to the occasion. The audience, which had gathered at the instigation of a committee of ladies to do honour to the men of the second contingent, cheered enthusiastically when the bronzed soldiers marched into the chamber and took their places between the rows of members’ desks. Special cheers were given for Lieutenant-Colonel Lessard as he presented Miss Mowat with a bouquet of roses on entering. The attention centred about the dais, where Mrs G.R.R. Cockburn occupied the Speaker’s chair as convenor of the Ladies’ Committee, and with her on the platform were four other ladies of the committee. Mrs (Lt.-Col.) Charles Denison, Mrs (Lt.-Col.) Peters, Mrs Ross (wife of the Premier), and Mrs (Major) Myles. Before the dais was placed a table bearing the gifts that had been selected as souvenirs for the contingent. A short program of music was rendered by the band of the Governor-General’s Body Guard, under the direction of Mr C.A. Welsman, when Mr G.R.R. Cockburn called upon the Mayor to welcome the members of the contingent, which His Worship did appropriately. The musical program was rendered by Mlle. Toronta, Mrs Stewart Houston, Mr S. Wyly Grier, and Mr R. Drummond. The presentation to the officers and men followed the program. Lt.-Col. Lessard was called upon first, and received at Miss Mowat’s hands a silver punch-bowl. In reply, Lt.-Col. Lessard said that the cordial receptions given the returning invalids, the first contingent, his own men, at Halifax, and again at Toronto, had been not only a welcome home, but a note expressing the loyalty of Canadians to the British flag, and support and sympathy to the Queen and the Empire. Speaking of his own regiment, he said that they had had their own share of losses, 5 officers dead and 5 others wounded, a casualty list of 10 out of 18. And at this point he desired to thank the Red Cross Society for a most acceptable gift of £400, and for cases of necessaries and comforts which came to hand from time to time, which greatly relieved the sufferings of the soldiers during their arduous campaign. The other officers were called in the following order: Major Forrester, Major Hall, Captain Nelles, Lieut. Elmsley, R.C.D.; Lieut. Cockburn, Lieut. W. Parkyn Murray, Lieut. L.E.W. Irving, 9th Field Battery, Lt.-Col. Lessard taking charge of the cup for Lieut. Elmsley, who was too ill to return with the contingent. Mr G.R.R. Cockburn, who acted as chairman, explained that the cups and the plaques for the men had not all been completed, but would be forwarded as soon as they came from the manufacturer. Hon. G.W. Ross was the last speaker of the evening. The Premier congratulated the ladies on the successful issue of their idea, and said that the idea that lay at the back of the reception, in fact the idea that first prompted the sending of a contingent to South Africa at all, rather opened a new chapter in the history of Canada. Of several wars, which many of those present as well as himself could remember, Canada had taken only an outside interest, but had joined in the war to help secure the status of the Empire. “After 150 years’ existence”, he continued, “we have become an integral and inseparable part of the British Empire, we are nearer to the Empire today that we have ever been before. “In fighting for the Empire, Canada fought for her own interests, for Canada was nearer the heart of the Empire than ever before, and anything that would shatter the greatness or weaken the influence of the Empire would be much more serious for Canada. “The men went because they could not stay at home; they had to go; there was something that impelled them to go. The Colonial Secretary said ‘We will receive 1,000 Canadian soldiers; have them ready in 30 days’. In 29 days they were aboard the transports”. Mr Ross made a very gratifying reference to the four Canadians who had been mentioned as candidates for the honour of the Victoria Cross, and one of whom is the son of the convenor of the Ladies’ Committee. Cheers for the officers, non-commissioned officers, and men of the second contingent called forth three hearty cheers for the Ladies’ Committee in response, after which the floor of the chamber presented an animated scene, when the Premier and the Ladies’ Committee personally congratulated the soldiers.
Example presented to Trooper Spicer.
Canadian War Museum, Artefact No. 20020101-001 ..
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Royal Canadian Dragoons - tribute plaque 1 year 2 weeks ago #93258
List now updated to include officers and those of the Governor-General's Body Guard who served with the Second Contingent (accidentally omitted).
I have also added some clarification regarding the distribution of the testimonials, as some received plaques while others were given cups. |
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Royal Canadian Dragoons - tribute plaque 1 year 1 week ago #93267
Hi Neville......
Just a little info for you...... 129 Sergeant Hammond, Dayton Brown, (KIA / “C” Battery / To Can. Scouts) Clasps: C.C. / Rhod. / TVL / OFS / S.A. 01 134 Sergeant McGreggor, Duncan John, (KIA / “C” Battery / To Can. Scouts) Clasps: C.C. / Rhod. / TVL / OFS / S.A. 01 155 Driver Turnbull, John, (“C” Battery) C.C. / Rhod. / TVL / OFS 114 Gunner Mc'Eachern, C. E., Charles, (“C” Battery), C.C. / Rhod. / TVL / OFS Mike Life Member
Past-President Calgary Military Historical Society O.M.R.S. 1591
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