djb wrote:
Picture courtesy of Noonan's
QSA (2) Natal, Transvaal (8095 Cpl.: R. Markwick, 10th. M.B., R.G.A.) rank officially corrected;
KSA (2) (8095 Corpl: R. Markwick. R.G.A.)
Richard Markwick was born in Hove in 1877, and was a porter. He attested for the 3rd Bn. Royal Sussex Regt. (Militia) when 18 years old on 26 October 1894. He was 5'8.5" tall and wieghted 152 lbs. He had grey hair and blue eyes. His mother was Caroline Markwick who lived at 55 Washington St. in Brighton. Three months later, while still serving in the militia, Warwick attested for the Royal Artillery at Brighton on 24 January 1895, noting previous service with the 3rd Battalion, Royal Sussex Regiment, and went on to witness extensive overseas service in Malta, Crete and South Africa; his Army Service Record adds ‘occupation of Crete ‘97’, and confirms his discharge on 23 January 1907.
. He was married to Katie Beard and they lived at 48 College Avenue, Hackney, London.
Richard Markwick was born in Hove, Sussex in 1876 and enlisted on the 24th January 1895, stating he was currently serving in the 8th Royal Sussex Regiment. He was a gunner in the 13th Co. RA until he transferred to the 4th Mountain Artillery on 16 April 1896. He was promoted to Bombr on 17 Sept. 1899, and to Corporal on 27 August 1901. He transferred as corporal to the Army Reserve on 6 February 1903 after having served almost four years. He was discharged as a corporal on 25 January 1907.
He served at home from the 24 January 1895 to 9 April 1897; Malta 10 April 1897 to 22 April 1897; Crete 23 April 1897 to 24 November 1897; Malta to 25 November 1897 to 13 February 1898; home to 27th April 1898; South Africa 28 April 1898 to 28 January 1903, and then home from 29 January 1903 to 25 January 1907.
He is listed on the casualty roll as being recorded as missing (P.O.W.) at Nicholson’s Nek, 30th October 1899, later released. He was discharged on the 25th January 1907.