The note below is premature as the situation will only be clarified once the relevant documents in the PMBurg Archives have been copied and studied. However, I thought it worth adding at this stage in order to keep the matter of bronze QSA's as a "Recent Topic" a bit longer.
National Archives, Kew - 1901/1902
20/12/1901 - “I am directed by the Secretary of State for War to acquaint you that 100 000 Bronze Medals, without clasps, will shortly be despatched to you for presentation.”
June ?1902 - “Referring to yr telegram 21st June 10 000 bronze have been despatched 13th June.”
1/12/1902 - “A memorandum has been received from Woolwich today intimating that the proposed shipment has been cancelled.”
11/12/1902 - “If it be decided that these people are not to receive the bronze medal, but only a few specially selected.”
SA National Archives - Pietermaritzburg Repository - 1903/1905
(In the order in which they appear on the website.)
1903 (not yet copied) - [Natal] Agent General, London: RMS ‘Kildonan Castle’: Medals.
(Not necessarily referring to bronze QSA’s, but likely in view of the subsequent reference in April 1903 to “2000 bronze medals” [see below]).
1903/1904 (not yet copied) - Secretary for Native Affairs, Pietermaritzburg:- Distribution of war medals to various Natives who have served as Scouts in the Intelligence Department during the late Anglo Boer War.
1903/1905 (not yet copied) - Re: Native Scouts Medals.
1903/1905 (not yet copied) - R C Samuelson, Pietermaritzburg re Native Scout Medals.
1904 (not yet copied) - Under SNA, PMBurg War Medals: Complaint by a Native Scout in an article appearing in the “iPepa Lo Hlanga” dated 11th March 1904, of non receipt of same.
1904 (already copied) - Chief Staff Officer, Natal, PMBurg:- War: Medals for Native Scouts. J F Ingram forwards letter from ex Chief Native Scout J Gumede.
It was this file that included a note from the Chief Staff Officer to the Secretary of Native Affairs as follows:
“Passed to you as the supply of 2000 bronze medals were sent to you on 9 April 1903 for distribution.”
1904 (not yet copied) - Under Secretary for Native Affairs, Pietermaritzburg:- Medals: Extract from “iPepa Lo Hlanga” . Complaint by a Native Scout and suggestion that a deputation be sent to the Secretary for Native Affairs on the matter.
There are other files that less certainly refer to bronze QSA’s.