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Re: Single Bar KSA 12 years 2 months ago #7408

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Good Morning Gentlemen......

I am sure that there are more out there especially with the South African raised forces.....

You will see by the list that they are only the Imperial regiments.....

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Re: Single Bar KSA 12 years 2 months ago #7409

  • Henk Loots
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Hi everybody

Captain Gerald Lewis had extremely limited Boer War service in South Africa (maybe 3, or maximum 4 months) , but still qualified for a 2-bar QSA and 1-bar KSA!!
He disembarked with the 74th Bty, RFA at East London on 4 December 1899 and was wounded a week later at Stormberg(11 Dec 1899). He was invalided to England, probably in January 1900, but recovered and was with the Ammunition Column of 8th Division in July 1900. From April 1901 onwards he was with 120 Battery in Exeter.He returned to South Africa in 1902 and served in the OFS in May 1902. His recuperative leave in England must have counted towards the 18 months required for the KSA: there is a marginal note on the KSA Roll "Correspondence regarding this officer forwarded with manuscript returns submitted".

I am glad Glencross went to a good home. In 40 years of collecting I only had two groups with a single-bar SA1901 KSA. The group I still have has the SA01 bar on the QSA : this was never transferred to the no-bar KSA which was issued 3 years after the QSA.



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Re: Single Bar KSA 12 years 2 months ago #7410

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His recuperative leave in England must have counted towards the 18 months required for the KSA:

Most definitely. I have seen this clearly stated in the IY KSA rolls - recuperation from wounds and illness could count towards your 18 months service.

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The Register of the Anglo-Boer Wars 1899-1902

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Re: Single Bar KSA 12 years 2 months ago #7412

  • LinneyI
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Thanks for replies, Frank and Henk. Regarding single bar KSAs, there is another category - apart from regular Imperial units - and that is where a chap went over to SA with (say) the IY and later went back for another go. I would imagine that most of these so entitled were granted the QSA and KSA with what we would regard as the correct bars; i.e., the 1901 bar earned on the QSA and the 1902 bar earned later both on the KSA. The first time I saw a reference otherwise was in the 1967 edition of "Collecting Medals and Decorations" by Alec Purves". ISBN number on 4th edition is 0-903754-99-1. Purves makes reference to a QSA/KSA pair with QSA to "9625 Pte. C.BROWNE,45th Coy, IY" (bars C.O.T.1901) and KSA to Agent C.BROWNE, F.I.D.) with 1902 bar only. Purves records that the KSA roll records SA1902 only.
This sounded quite interesting; however, I never saw anything similar until many years later when I ran across a QSA/KSA pair with bars C.O.T. 1901 (the latter loose) on the QSA (named to "9224 Cpl.J.W.CAMPBELL, 20th Coy, 6th Imp.Yeo" and the KSA with bar 1902 only (named to Lieut. J.W.CAMPBELL, Scot: Horse I.Y.). The KSA roll is marked with "1901 clasp issued off 20th Coy, IY roll".
I did manage to put together a fair bit of bio info on J.W.CAMPBELL - including a nice photo ID from a group pic in "The Fifes in South Africa" - but the question remains; are such pairs a distinct sub-category of The Single Bar KSA or just an oddity?
Opinions sought, please.
Regards to all - IL.

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Re: Single Bar KSA 12 years 2 months ago #7432

  • SWB
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Interesting examples.

A sub-category perhaps in that every single clasp KSA needs careful attention.

I have seen a number of these in IY KSA rolls and wondered how many KSAs didn't have a loose date clasp attached.


LinneyI wrote: Interested members
Thanks for replies, Frank and Henk. Regarding single bar KSAs, there is another category - apart from regular Imperial units - and that is where a chap went over to SA with (say) the IY and later went back for another go. I would imagine that most of these so entitled were granted the QSA and KSA with what we would regard as the correct bars; i.e., the 1901 bar earned on the QSA and the 1902 bar earned later both on the KSA. The first time I saw a reference otherwise was in the 1967 edition of "Collecting Medals and Decorations" by Alec Purves". ISBN number on 4th edition is 0-903754-99-1. Purves makes reference to a QSA/KSA pair with QSA to "9625 Pte. C.BROWNE,45th Coy, IY" (bars C.O.T.1901) and KSA to Agent C.BROWNE, F.I.D.) with 1902 bar only. Purves records that the KSA roll records SA1902 only.
This sounded quite interesting; however, I never saw anything similar until many years later when I ran across a QSA/KSA pair with bars C.O.T. 1901 (the latter loose) on the QSA (named to "9224 Cpl.J.W.CAMPBELL, 20th Coy, 6th Imp.Yeo" and the KSA with bar 1902 only (named to Lieut. J.W.CAMPBELL, Scot: Horse I.Y.). The KSA roll is marked with "1901 clasp issued off 20th Coy, IY roll".
I did manage to put together a fair bit of bio info on J.W.CAMPBELL - including a nice photo ID from a group pic in "The Fifes in South Africa" - but the question remains; are such pairs a distinct sub-category of The Single Bar KSA or just an oddity?
Opinions sought, please.
Regards to all - IL.

Researcher & Collector
The Register of the Anglo-Boer Wars 1899-1902

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Re: Single Bar KSA 12 years 2 months ago #7436

  • LinneyI
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I would imagine that most who qualified for a KSA with 1902 bar and had a 1901 bar on the QSA would have the bars changed so that the dated ones were on the KSA. Perhaps some could not be bothered - or else liked it the way it was. Given the survival rate of QSA/KSA being somewhere between ten and twenty percent, I would have thought one would see the occasional pair like Cpl/Lt J.W.Campbell's.
Anyway, a nice litle sub-category. In a couple of weeks, I will have a day off the range and I will use it to post J.W.Campbell's bio as I have been able to put it together.

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