Frank Kelley
Senior Member
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Well Paul,
I suppose £120 is about the going rate these days, you will get one in due course, I am sure, I mentioned the 1914 Star and Bar, because this regt really was the iconic cavalry regt in the British Army.
Not only at Elouges in August, but, also at Moncel in September, when Colonel Campbell drew his revolver and said "Follow me, gentlemen" for one last time, the Ninth, did it the "old fashioned" way, with sword and lance, moreover, I feel sure that when Sgt John Taylor died, he was indeed the last British cavalry man to carry the scar of a lance wound to his grave!
There is no better regt in my opinion, but, again, your money, your collection.
I only hope you have as much fun as I have and continue to have, though, not very often these days. 
Again, regards Frank
coldstream wrote: Frank,
The dealer I purchased from is based in Suffolk so I guess he aquired them locally.
They are some seriously superb examples you have there, your collection must be envious.
I have made tentative enquiries with a badge dealer about the availabilty of a 9th Victorian badge, he stressed the were quite rare and around £120.
A very nice badge to have in a collection though.
Paul  Frank Kelley wrote: Hello Paul,
They resided in the stock of a dealer in Suffolk for all of last year, medals to this regt are very sought after and have a very serious following with a number of collectors always on the lookout for this regt.
I have not bought anything to the ninth for ages now, but, all their medals are really nice in my opinion, I think the last medal I bought was an Afghanistan, single clasp Kabul to a Bandsman Corporal, who was severly wounded in action by a gun shot to the chest.
As you may know this regt took part in the famous charge at Killa Kazi, moreover, I still have the very first medal that I ever bought to this regt, a Punniar Star to a Private, awarded for the action against the Mahrattas on the 29th of December 1843, a super little bit of bronze and silver, it is still a favourite.
Down the years I have been able to add a number of other good medals, including a three clasp Mutiny/Punjab pair, so I am quite content.
As far as the Anglo Boer War goes, I should look out for a good ten clasp pair, if you are feeling weathy, if not, I should look out for a nice Victorian FS cap badge, though I suspect, you have to take out a mortgage to buy one of those, these days. 
Kind regards Frank
coldstream wrote: Hello Frank,
Thank you for your comments, how ironic that you nearly bought them!
Who was the original dealer or was it an auction?
Paul  Frank Kelley wrote: Hello Paul,
I was a little surprised to see these on the market again, so soon and in the hands of another dealer, I almost bought them last year, but, as I already have a good collection of Dehli Spearmen, I decided on something else instead, but, they are a very nice and really quite a scarce pair to what some people consider to be the finest cavalry regt of its day, I normally say to people, forget the Great War, its all number crunching, but, I say to you now, go and get yourself a good 1914 Star and Bar trio to an August man.
Kind regards Frank