Hi Mike - as you are aware I have been doing some research into the 2nd Worcesters because amongst their number were 10 Smethwickians, two of whom perished on 12th February 1900.
I have discovered a 16 paragraph letter Hugh de Berdt Hovell sent to the Worcester Journal, meaning he intended it to be published, which they did in their 24th February 1900 edition. The letter was dated 26th January 1900 and written in Slingersfontein Camp. Sadly I have been unable to find another letter from him.
I have split it down into manageable chunks with a view to transcribing it eventually. As you can see below the reproduction quality is not of the best, especially for the later paragraphs which have suffered from edge of page distortion.
I think I have discovered on FmP paperwork relating to his WW1 alter ego namely 22162 Pte H Nash. Interestingly a 3198 Cpl H Nash was one of the wounded on 12th February 1900 who rejoined the unit but after July 1900 as he did not get the Wittebergen clasp.
Are you aware that Colonel Sir Percy Wilson, who he attempted to sue, was during May 1918 not only booted out of the army but also stripped of his knighthood. There is an interesting discussion about it on the Kings Candlesticks and Hovell is mentioned.
Finally in 1922 one of Hovell's neighbours successfully sued him for libel and was awarded £100.
Regards, David.