For those interested
I've found out his mother's name at last - Alice Rosina RAVEN - so research completely finished and now written up in a two page spread for my war book his section is entitled 'Bad Boy Gone Good' with another smaller side article on another town soldier who never went to the Boer War as he kept either, going AWL, falling asleep on duty, drinking etc. I've called him Good Boy Gone Bad. Makes rather a nice couple of pages along with the three photos of places they lived, portraits etc.
I also found out that his great uncle was in the RAMC and at Glencoe. As he was a vet in town I was surprised to find him in the RAMC and would never have thought of looking for him had it not been for someone asking me to identify a photo of the RAMC, with him sitting in the centre as the officer in charge, a few weeks ago. I've got a few photos of him that's how I know it's him - he's so noticable and has a face that's hard to forget. He bought an old house having sold his pub in town just before going to fight and by the time he came back the builders had built him his beautiful house in the Market Place, still there today. He called it Glencoe House - another story for me to write about.
So tapping this one on the head
Cheers to all those who helped.
Thanks and take care, Kitty
Interested in anything to do with East Dereham, Norfolk UK. - 3rdVBNR, 5th Norfolks, RAMC etc. Including soldiers from out of town who were stationed in town during a war period.
Worked as trained researcher.
Personal - married to Kenny (42y), mother of 3, nanny of 5 and owner of Percy, the Westie....