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PARKER.—On 30th October, at the Princess Christian Cottage Home, near Blllericay, after four years of suffering from a wound received at Modder River, November, 1899, Frederick Parker, late Trooper Rimington's Guides, age 38.
....Our obituary to-day includes a notification of the death, on Friday, at the Princess Christian Cottage Home, near Billericay, after four years of suffering from a wound received at Modder River, in November, 1899, of Frederick Parker, late Trooper Rimington's Guides, aged 38 years. The deceased was born at Teston, Kent, in 1865, and was educated chiefly at the Middleclass School at Maidstone, after leaving which he was apprenticed to the grocery trade. But his was a roving disposition, and he went to Sydney and Philadelphia. Returning to England in 1897, he volunteered to take part in the Græco-Turkish War, through which he passed without receiving any serious injury. In August, 1899, he again left his native shores, this time bound for Cape Town, where he managed a grocery store, but the outbreak of the late Boer war proved too much for his Viking spirit, and he at once volunteered for active service in Rimington's Guides, and passed through three engagements, viz., Graspan, Belmont, and Modder River. It was on the evening of the last-named engagement that he received the injury which has now unfortunately terminated his career. He had crossed the river and was reconnoitring, when his horse was suddenly shot by a Boer bullet, and while he was upon the veldt a second bullet entered the poor man's back, coming out near the collar-bone, and rendering him completely helpless. This was at about six p.m., and he lay until about two p.m. the day following, before he was recovered by his comrades. He was conveyed to the Field Hospital at Belmont, where his wounds were temporarily attended to, after which he was removed to Wynberg Hospital. In the following March he was invalided home to Netley. During his stay at Wynberg, Trooper Parker was visited by Rudyard Kipling, who was much interested in his case, and wrote of him as his "War Fetich." At Netley he was with others visited by the late Queen, and among his most treasured possession was a bunch of flowers dried and framed with which her Majesty presented him. This bunch of flowers was never afterwards out of his sight so long as he lived. The following paragraph appeared in a London newspaper some time after, when the gracious donor had been called Home, and the mortally wounded soldier still lingered on :—
....An exceeding touching story reaches us of an incident which occurred when the Queen visited Netley, and of its sequel. Among the patients was a private soldier who had been shot through the spine in South Africa, whose case was considered hopeless. The Queen sat down beside his bed and after talking sympathetically with him for some time gave him a bunch of lilies of the valley, which she happened to be carrying in her hand. Then she sent for the surgeon and asked if anything could be done for the poor fellow. The answer was that his death was only a question of time, that all that was possible had been done, and that all the efforts of science were directed to relieving him as far as possible from pain. As the Queen moved away she spoke what the man regarded as precious words of comfort, and Her Majesty was evidently deeply moved. After a while the patient rallied, and was removed to his home in Essex, where he now lies. When he heard on Wednesday that the Queen was dead he was much affected ; and although scarcely able to speak managed to make it understood that he wanted to send some flowers to the Queen's funeral. Knowing that in the ordinary course he would not be able to fulfil his wish, he sent a bunch of lilies of the valley to one of the magistrates for the county, who forwarded it to a Queen's Equerry. This gentleman brougnt the whole matter to the knowledge of the King, who at once gave orders that the soldier's bunch of lilies should be laid on the Queen's coffin, and caused a telegram to be sent to the Essex magistrate asking him to inform the soldier that this had been done. One has only to imagine how the King could turn from the overwhelming amount of work and anxiety through which he has been passing in order to render this delicate tribute to the loyalty of the wounded soldier—to understand how sympathetic he is in all that concerns his people and that belongs to the memory of his august mother."
....The journey of the wounded soldier from Netley to Billericay was safely accomplished on May 31st, 1900. The lower part of the poor man's body was completely paralysed, and during the weary years that have since elapsed he has been compelled to lie on his back in exactly the same position. His sufferings at times were most acute, but he bore them with exemplary patience. Universal sympathy is expressed with his parents in their sad loss.
....The funeral took place in Great Burstead Churchyard on Thursday afternoon. Every mark of respect was shown on the route. The carriages contained Mr. and Mrs. Robert Parker, father and mother ; Mr. Edward Parker (brother) and Mrs. E. Parker, Mrs. Warner Parker, Mrs Clarke, Nurse Parks, and Mrs. Massingham ; Col. Wood, Miss Wood, and Mrs. Hilder ; Dr. F, Carter, Mrs. Spitty, and Mrs. Shuttleworth ; Mrs. Tweed, Miss Tweed, and Miss Ellis. The cortege was met at the church gates by a large number of residents and friends. The ceremony, both in the church and at the graveside, was impressively conducted by the Rev. H. Carpenter, and the choral service was feelingiy rendered by the Laindon choir. Mr. W. H. G. Ansell, who presided at the organ, played the "Dead March." At the grave "The labourer's task is o'er "was sung. The coffin was covered and surrounded with wreaths and flowers. All the arrangements were ably carried out by Mr. J. W. Waylett, of Billericay.
The Essex Newsman, Saturday 7th November 1903
An additional piece of information appeared in a different newspaper.
....Parker, who was originally a grocer's assistant, had had an adventurous career, having fought for the Cubans in their struggle for independence, and under the Greek flag in the war with Turkey.
Nottingham Evening Post, Monday 9th November 1903
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