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 Surname   Forename   No   Rank   Notes   Unit 
GoslingAudley VaughanMajorBSACM Rhodesia 1896 (1) Mashonaland 1897. Jameson Raider. Cpt. G Troop BSACP and Bechuanaland Border Police; 1897: Maj. BSAP. Born in 1864, the son of George F. Gosling, a staff officer on half pay. He was commissioned a Lieutenant in the 3rd & 4th battalion of the Worcestersgire Regiment on 3 April 1886, but resigned his commission on 25 May 1889. He went to South Africa where he joined the Bechuanaland Border Police as a Sergeant, and was promoted to Sub-Lieutenant on 13 June 1890. He served as a Captain with a detachment of the B. B. P. and commanded G Troop in the force that was raised by Dr. Leander Starr Jameson for his ill-planned invasion of the Boer Transvaal Republic, and was captured when Jameson's outnumbered force was compelled to surrender to the Boers on 2 January 1896. Gosling was transported back to England for trial together with Jameson and other senior 'raiders' but was acquitted of all charges. Gosling returned to South Africa that same year and served as a staff officer during the Mashonaland Expedition with the rank of Major in the British South Africa Police. He received a Mention in Despatches from General Martin for his services during that campaign, London Gazette 18 February 1898:'Chief Inspector A. V. Gosling. District Staff Officer, acted as second in command and conducted several important patrols with conspicuous success. He commanded the attack on Kunzi's and took part in all the encounters with the natives, showing the greatest coolness and gallantry under fire.’From December 1897 to January 1901, Gosling held the position of Commissioner for Mashonaland. Remaining with the British South Africa Police during the Anglo-Boer War Gosling was attached to a considerable number of various units, appearing in no less than 6 different rolls of the Queen's South Africa Medal. He seems to have held his standing commission with the Mashonaland Division of the BSAP as a Major and was attached at various times to H Section, Pom Poms, R. H. A. (Major), Bethune's Mounted Infantry (Major) and finally transferred as a Captain to the 5th Battalion, The Rifle Brigade on 4 December 1901. Captain A. V. Gosling died on Guernsey on 7 June 1906. Sold with a large quantity of research including extensive correspondence relating to charges brought against Major Gosling in connection with deficiencies in the accounts of the Band Fund of the 3rd Division, BSAP, on account of which he eventually resigned his commission. BSACM Rhodesia 1896 (1) Mashonaland 1897 (Major A. V. Gosling. BSAP); QSA (3) Cape Colony, Rhodesia, Orange Free State (Capt. A. V. Gosling, Rifle Bde.); KSA (2) (Capt. A. V. Gosling. Rif. Bde.). DNW February 2016 £2,800.
Source: BSACM rolls
British South Africa Police
GoslingC2nd Battalion
Source: QSA and KSA medal rolls
Duke of Cornwall's Light Infantry
GoslingC1st Battalion
Source: QSA and KSA medal rolls
Essex Regiment
GoslingCVolunteer Service Battalion
Source: QSA and KSA medal rolls
Hampshire Regiment
GoslingCCaptainQSA (1) DoL
Provisional list of recipients
Source: Ladysmith Siege Account and Medal Roll
King's Royal Rifle Corps
GoslingCLeading SeamanQSA (1) DoL. Ref: 132.630. Duplicate medal issued
Source: QSA medal rolls
HMS Powerful
GoslingCLeading SeamanQSA (1) DoL
Provisional list of recipients
Source: Ladysmith Siege Account and Medal Roll
HMS Powerful
GoslingC EStokerQSA (2) CC SA01. Ref: 295.949.
Source: QSA medal rolls
HMS Naiad
GoslingCecil1720TrooperBSACM Matabeleland 1893 (0).
Source: BSACM rolls
Bechuanaland Border Police
GoslingD2nd Battalion
Source: QSA and KSA medal rolls
(King's Own) Royal Lancaster Regiment
GoslingESource: QSA and KSA medal rolls63rd Battery, RFA
GoslingE8512PrivateQSA (1) DoL
Provisional list of recipients
Source: Ladysmith Siege Account and Medal Roll
King's Royal Rifle Corps
GoslingE J8728SapperQSA issued with clasp Natal on 10 Sep 1902. but clasp was recovered 19 Dec 1904. Discharged.

QSA (4) OFS Tr SA01 SA02

TNA ref 159/17; 159/80
Royal Engineers, Telegraph Battalion, 1st Division
GoslingErnest43889TrooperNo known Company. Served in 39th Btn IY
Source: QSA Medal Rolls
Imperial Yeomanry
GoslingErnest2843Attested: Sep 1902. Source: CMP 15Cape Police
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