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GrabbA W HDistrict 1
Source: QSA and KSA rolls
Cape Police
GrabbCSource: QSA and KSA medal rolls5th Battery, RFA
GrabbeFrans HendrikPrisoner number: 21006
Captured: Grootwal 15 Jun 1901
Sent to: Bermuda
Age: 20
Address: Grootwal
Source: Anglo Boer War Museum 2016
Boer Forces
GrabbeJ JPrisoner number: 13786
Captured: Vryheid 24 Sep 1900
Sent to: Unknown
Age: 27
Address: Vryheid
Source: Anglo Boer War Museum 2016
Boer Forces
GrabbinA G280922nd CorporalMID LG: 8 February 1901, page: 975. Source: General Buller. 9 November 1900. Re: Lof C - Natal
This page contains all the London Gazette pages for the Boer War
Royal Engineers
GrabblerZ JSource: WO100/286Uitenhage TG
GrabeCoenraad TheophilusPrisoner number: 11706
Captured: Harrismith
Sent to: Ceylon, Diyatalawa
Age: 25
Address: Harrismith
Source: Anglo Boer War Museum 2016
GrabeF JCorporalNatal 1906 (0)
Source: Recipients of the Natal 1906 Medal
Dundee District Reserves
GrabeFranscois Johannes PPrisoner number: 11705
Captured: Harrismith
Sent to: Ceylon, Diyatalawa
Age: 18
Address: Harrismith
Source: Anglo Boer War Museum 2016
GrabeJacobus Johannes CPrisoner number: 11703
Captured: Harrismith
Sent to: Ceylon, Diyatalawa
Age: 19
Address: Harrismith
Source: Anglo Boer War Museum 2016
GrabeJan GysbertPrisoner number: 11704
Captured: Harrismith
Sent to: Ceylon, Diyatalawa
Age: 36
Address: Harrismith
Source: Anglo Boer War Museum 2016
GrabeJohannes JPrisoner number: 11701
Captured: Harrismith
Sent to: Ceylon, Diyatalawa
Age: 37
Address: Harrismith
Source: Anglo Boer War Museum 2016
GrabeMarthinus JohannesBurgerClick here to access the record in the ForumVrede Commando
GrabePetrus Hendrik GPrisoner number: 11702
Captured: Harrismith
Sent to: Ceylon, Diyatalawa
Age: 33
Address: Harrismith
Source: Anglo Boer War Museum 2016
GrabeWillem ChristoffelPrisoner number: 11700
Captured: Harrismith
Sent to: Ceylon, Diyatalawa
Age: 20
Address: Harrismith
Source: Anglo Boer War Museum 2016
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