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 Surname   Forename   No   Rank   Notes   Unit 
GrettonW4036PrivateQSA (2) Tal DoL
Provisional list of recipients
Source: Ladysmith Siege Account and Medal Roll
Leicestershire Regiment
GrettonW1st Battalion
Source: QSA and KSA medal rolls
South Staffordshire Regiment
GrettonW4036PrivateQSA (2)
Source: List of QSAs with the clasp Talana from the Talana book
Leicestershire Regiment
GrettonW1800PrivateFrontier Wars. SAGS (1) 1878South Staffordshire Regiment
GreunebachJulius OscarPrisoner number: 26982
Captured: Durban 19 Dec 1901
Sent to: St. Helena
Age: 38
Address: Pretoria
Source: Anglo Boer War Museum 2016
Boer Forces
GreunebachJulius OscarVolunteer from Germany serving with the Boer forces
Source: Anglo Boer War Museum database, August 2016
German volunteers
GrevattFPetty Officer Class 1Frontier Wars. SAGS (0)HMS Orontes
GrevattG1st Battalion
Source: QSA and KSA medal rolls
King's Royal Rifle Corps
GrevattG F3rd Battalion
Source: QSA and KSA medal rolls
King's Royal Rifle Corps
GrevattW1st Battalion
Source: Medal rolls
(Princess Louise's) Sutherland and Argyll Highland
GrevattWPetty Officer Class 1Frontier Wars. SAGS (0)HMS Euphrates
GreveFrederickBurgerClick here to access the record in the ForumJohannesburg Commando
GreveFriedrichVolunteer from Germany serving with the Boer forces
Source: Anglo Boer War Museum database, August 2016
German volunteers
GreveJVolunteer from Germany serving with the Boer forces
Source: Anglo Boer War Museum database, August 2016
German volunteers
GreveWilhelmVolunteer from Germany serving with the Boer forces
Source: Anglo Boer War Museum database, August 2016
German volunteers
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