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 Surname   Forename   No   Rank   Notes   Unit 
HughesJ H2255SapperQSA (1)
Source: List of QSAs with the clasp Defence of Kimberley
Royal Engineers
HughesJ HSource: QSA and KSA rollsDEOVR
HughesJ HSource: QSA and KSA medal rollsCape Town Highlanders
HughesJ JTrooperBSACM Rhodesia 1896 (0).
Source: BSACM rolls
Gifford's Horse
HughesJ J3632SergeantQSA (5).
Source: QSA medal rolls
8th (The King's Royal Irish) Hussars
HughesJ PDomesticQSA (0). Ref: 358. Medal returned
Source: QSA medal rolls
HMS Beagle
HughesJ RTrooperCGHGSM (1) Transkei
Source: Roll of the CGHGSM
Landrys Light Horse
HughesJ RSource: QSA and KSA medal rollsCape Colonial Forces
HughesJ SBSACM Mashonaland 1890 (0).
Source: BSACM rolls
British South Africa Police
HughesJ T21691SergeantTo England 14 Aug 1902. B Company. Chatham. Awarded DCM, LG 26 Jun 1902. Details TNA WO 108/158. MiD by Roberts 1 Mar 1902. QSA (5) issued 19 Oct 1903.

QSA (5) CC OFS Joh DH Belf. KSA

TNA ref 156/77; 313/118
Royal Engineers, Field Company, 12th
HughesJ T21691SergeantMID LG: 17 June 1902, page: 3966. Source: Field Marshal Roberts. 1 March 1902. Re: General mentions
This page contains all the London Gazette pages for the Boer War
Royal Engineers
HughesJ W8169PrivateSource: QSA Medal Rolls31st Company, 9th Btn, IY
HughesJ W4th Volunteer Service Company
Source: QSA and KSA medal rolls
Manchester Regiment
HughesJ W DSource: QSA and KSA medal rollsTranskei Mounted Rifles
HughesJames32480TrooperServed 06 Mar 01 to 09 Apr 01. Discharged at Mafeking
Source: Nominal roll in WO127
Ashburner's Light Horse
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