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 Surname   Forename   No   Rank   Notes   Unit 
KempJ SCorporalNatal 1906 (0)
Source: Recipients of the Natal 1906 Medal
Dundee District Reserves
KempJ SSource: WO100/279Natal Government Railways
KempJ WSource: WO100/280Cathcart DMT
KempJ WSource: QSA and KSA medal rolls53rd Battery, RFA
KempJacob JohannesPrisoner number: 8179
Captured: Fouriesburg 30 Jul 1900
Sent to: Ceylon, Diyatalawa
Age: 33
Address: Leeuwrivier
Source: Anglo Boer War Museum 2016
Boer Forces
KempJacobus FrederikPrisoner number: 5734
Captured: Paardeberg 27 Feb 1900
Sent to: St. Helena, Broadbottom
Age: 26
Address: Louritz
Source: Anglo Boer War Museum 2016
Boer Forces
KempJacobus JohannesPrisoner number: 24823
Captured: Goedgedacht 16 Oct 1901
Sent to: India
Age: 32
Address: Goedgedacht
Source: Anglo Boer War Museum 2016
Boer Forces
KempJacobus Johannes StephanusPrisoner number: 5735
Captured: Paardeberg 27 Feb 1900
Sent to: St. Helena, Broadbottom
Age: 35
Address: Theronia
Source: Anglo Boer War Museum 2016
Boer Forces
KempJakobus JohannesBurgerClick here to access the record in the ForumZoutpansberg Commando
KempJames29611Lance CorporalSource: QSA Medal Rolls101st Company, 5th Btn, IY
KempJames1299CorporalSource: OZ-Boer databaseAustralian Army Medical Corps
KempJames1299CorporalCommonwealth Contingent.
Source: Official Records of the Australian Military Contingents by P L Murray
Australian Army Medical Corps
KempJames1299CorporalSource: OZ-Boer databaseNew South Wales, Bearer Company
KempJames120TrooperBSACM Rhodesia 1896 (1) Mashonaland 1897.
Source: BSACM rolls
British South Africa Police
KempJames1st Battalion
Source: QSA and KSA rolls
Imperial Light Horse
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