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 Surname   Forename   No   Rank   Notes   Unit 
LawsonJ ESource: WO100/225St John Ambulance Brigade
LawsonJ F WSource: QSA and KSA medal rollsColdstream Guards
LawsonJ G5861SapperAttached 12th Company. 1st Section. Died from disease at Pretoria 22 Jul 1900. QSA handed to father of deceased.


TNA ref 156/83; 162/84
Royal Engineers, Volunteers, Newcastle on Tyne
LawsonJ L2nd Battalion
Source: QSA and KSA medal rolls
Manchester Regiment
LawsonJ R4042SapperDischarged. Medal returned to Woolwich Nov 1913.

QSA (3) OFS Tr SA02

TNA ref 157/102

Roll states medal returned to Woolwich
Royal Engineers, Field Company, 37th
LawsonJ R1st Battalion
Source: QSA and KSA medal rolls
Gordon Highlanders
LawsonJames1210TrooperServed 11 Dec 00 to 11 Sep 02. Time Expired
Source: Nominal roll in WO127
Steinaecker's Horse
LawsonJames153 PrivateSource: Nominal roll in WO127Imperial Light Infantry
LawsonJames42349TrooperNo known Company. Served in 34th Btn IY
Source: QSA Medal Rolls
Imperial Yeomanry
LawsonJamesBearerJoined 11 Dec 99
Source: Nominal roll in WO127
Natal Volunteer Ambulance Corps
LawsonJames512PrivateSource: OZ-Boer databaseQueensland, 5th Imperial Bushmen Contingent
LawsonJames August7059Trooper2nd Brabant's Horse
Source: Nominal roll in WO127
Brabant's Horse
LawsonJames Dare210CorporalSource: Nominal roll in WO127Thorneycroft's Mounted Infantry
LawsonJohn654Squadron QMS1st Battalion
Source: QSA Medal Rolls
Scottish Horse
LawsonJohn55RQMS2nd Battalion
Source: Nominal roll in WO127
Imperial Light Horse
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