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LloydErnest BertramSource: Attestation paper in WO126Brabant's Horse
LloydEvanLieutenant ColonelHe was killed in Major General Paget's action at Rhenoster Kop, North-East of Bronkhorst Spruit, November 29th, 1900. He was the eldest son of the Reverend Prebendary Lloyd, Troedvrawr Rectory, Cardiganshire. He was born October 1855, and educated at Tonbridge School. He entered the 70th Foot from the Royal East Middlesex Militia, 1876, transferred to the South Yorkshire Regiment as Lieutenant December 1876, to the Yorkshire Light Infantry as Captain June 1883, promoted brevet Major June 1885, Major in the South Staffordshire Regiment November 1890, Lieutenant Colonel on half-pay November 1896, and was given the command of 1st Battalion West Riding Regiment in June 1897. Lieutenant Colonel Lloyd served with the 51st Light Infantry in the Jowaki Expedition, 1877, receiving the medal with clasp. He saw service with the same regiment in the Afghan War, 1878-79, and was present at the attack and capture of Ali Musjid, for which he received the medal with clasp. He was in the Nile Expedition, 1884-85 as commandant at Tangur, mentioned in despatches, LG, August 25th, 1885, and received the brevet of Major, the medal with clasp and Khedive's star, and the Fourth Class of the Order of the Medjidie. His next experience of active service was with the Soudan Frontier Field Force, 1885-87, including the engagements at Giniss (mentioned in despatches, LG February 9th, 1886) and granted the DSO. He was present at the action at Sarras, mentioned in despatches, LG June 17th 1887, and was granted the Third Class of the order of the Medjidie. He took part in the operations near Suakin, December 1888 including the engagement at Gemaizah, mentioned in despatches, LG, January 11th 1889 (clasp), and in the operations in 1889, including the engagement at Toski, mentioned in despatches, LG, September 6th, 1889 (clasp). He served with the Dongola Expeditionary Force under Lord (then Sir Herbert) Kitchener in 1896 in command of a field column, which he had organised from the Suakin and Tokar garrisons, was mentioned in despatches, promoted to be Lieutenant Colonel, and granted the medal; and received the Second Class of the Order of the Medjidie for service under the Egyptian Government. He proceeded to South Africa, December 1899, and commanded his battalion throughout the war, including the relief of Kimberley, battle of Paardeberg, and the advance on Bloemfontein and into the Transvaal. There is an interesting account of Lieutenant Colonel Lloyd's death In "My Reminiscences of the War" by General Ben Viljoen. This Boer general thus describes it: "A brave officer who had one of his legs smashed, leant on a gun or his sword, and kept on giving his orders and cheering the soldiers and telling them to charge on. While in this position a second bullet struck him, and he fell mortally wounded”. There is a picture in this book entitled, "Battle of Rhenoster Kop. How Colonel Lloyd died". A few months later General Ben Viljoen's Burghers, when passing this battlefield and Lieutenant Colonel Lloyd's grave, laid a wreath of flowers on the spot where he lies with the words "In memory of a brave enemy". Lieutenant Colonel Lloyd was mentioned in despatches, LG, February 8th, and September 10th, 1901, this latter making the seventh occasion during his career. He was awarded the CB.
Source: Donner
(Duke of Wellington's) West Riding Regiment
LloydEvanLieutenant ColonelList of CB recipients. Various sources(Duke of Wellington's) West Riding Regiment
LloydF2nd Battalion, Volunteer Service Company
Source: QSA and KSA medal rolls
(Prince Albert's) Somerset Light Infantry
LloydF1st Battalion
Source: QSA and KSA medal rolls
King's Royal Rifle Corps
LloydF6058PrivatePrisoner. Near Philipstown, 8 August 1901
Ml Co. Released
Source: South African Field Force Casualty Roll
(Duke of Wellington's) West Riding Regiment
LloydFLieutenant ColonelWounded. Senekal, 29 May 1900
2nd Battalion.
Source: South African Field Force Casualty Roll
Grenadier Guards
LloydFSource: QSA and KSA medal rollsTembu Levies
LloydF2nd Battalion
Source: QSA and KSA medal rolls
Grenadier Guards
LloydF1st Battalion
Source: QSA and KSA medal rolls
Oxfordshire Light Infantry
LloydFTrooperBSACM Rhodesia 1896 (0).
Source: BSACM rolls
Medical Staff Corps
LloydF2809SergeantBSACM Rhodesia 1896 (1) Mashonaland 1897.
Source: BSACM rolls
7th (The Queen's Own) Hussars
LloydFLieutenant ColonelList of CB recipients. Various sourcesGrenadier Guards
LloydF2809Squadron QM SergeantQSA (5).
Source: QSA medal rolls
7th (The Queen's Own) Hussars
LloydFLieutenant ColonelMID LG: 16 April 1901, page: 2605. Source: Field Marshal Roberts. 2 April 1901. Re: General mentions
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Grenadier Guards
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