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 Surname   Forename   No   Rank   Notes   Unit 
LoggieR2399Private2nd Battalion
Demise: Died of disease - dysentery 26 May 1900
Place: Kimberley
Source: In Memoriam by S Watt
Royal Scots Fusiliers
LoggieR2nd Battalion
Source: QSA and KSA medal rolls
Royal Scots Fusiliers
LoggieR2399PrivateDied of disease. Kimberley, 26 May 1900
2nd Battalion.
Source: South African Field Force Casualty Roll
Royal Scots Fusiliers
LogginArthur Nicholas7990PrivateSource: QSA Medal Rolls40th Company, 10th Btn, IY
LogginEdward15654PrivateNo known Company. Served in 20th Btn IY
Source: QSA Medal Rolls
Imperial Yeomanry
LogginH W7991Lance CorporalSource: QSA Medal Rolls40th Company, 10th Btn, IY
LogieA4657Lance CorporalQSA (2).
Source: QSA medal rolls
19th (Queen Alexandra's Own Royal) Hussars
LogieC WPrivateCGHGSM (1) Basutoland
Source: Roll of the CGHGSM
LogieCharles William22451TrooperSource: Nominal roll in WO127Commander-in-Chief's Bodyguard
LogieD232 TrooperSource: Nominal roll in WO127Kimberley Horse
LogieDSource: QSA and KSA medal rollsSteam Road Transport
LogieD232TrooperQSA (2)
Source: List of QSAs with the clasp Defence of Kimberley
Kimberley Light Horse
LogieG DTrooperDemise: Killed in action 16 May 1900
Place: Mafikeng. West Of
Source: In Memoriam by S Watt
Rhodesia Regiment
LogieG DTrooperKilled in action. Mafeking, 16 May 1900
Source: South African Field Force Casualty Roll
Rhodesia Regiment
LogieGeorge169TrooperSource: Nominal roll in WO127Rhodesia Regiment
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