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 Surname   Forename   No   Rank   Notes   Unit 
MannHarrySource: QSA and KSA medal rolls4th Battery, RFA
MannHenrySource: QSA and KSA medal rolls4th Battery, RFA
MannHenry Edward658Trooper1st Battalion
Source: Nominal roll in WO127
Imperial Light Horse
MannHenry Edward1st Battalion
Source: QSA and KSA rolls
Imperial Light Horse
MannHoraceCaptainHe was killed in action at Alleman's Nek, June 11th, 1900. The eldest surviving son of the Reverend C N Mann, for many years rector of St Issey, Cornwall, he was born in 1860, and educated at Allhallowes School, Honiton, and at Marlborough. Captain Mann entered the 1st Battalion Royal West Kent Regiment in July 1882, was promoted Captain March 1890, and served in the Nile Campaign of 1884-85, with his regiment, receiving the medal with clasp and Khedive's star. He was adjutant to the 1st Volunteer Battalion Royal West Kent Regiment, 1892 to 1897, after which he retired from the army. On the outbreak of the war he went out to South Africa, and was appointed captain in Thorneycroft's Mounted Infantry Capt, Mann was present at the battle of Colenso, and in all the operations leading up to the relief of Ladysmith, and the subsequent advance to Alleman's Nek. He was mentioned in despatches by General Sir R Buller, from Laing's Nek, June 19th, 1901, as having performed good service, LG, February 8th, 1901. His name was inscribed on a tablet erected in Marlborough College Chapel in memory of all Marlburians who fell in the war.
Source: Donner
Thorneycroft's Mounted Infantry
MannHorace29251TrooperSource: QSA Medal Rolls38th Company, 10th Btn, IY
MannHoraceTrooperSource: Nominal roll in WO127SAMIF
MannHoraceLieutenantKilled 11 Jun1900
Source: Nominal roll in WO127
Thorneycroft's Mounted Infantry
MannHugh Julian13386TrooperSource: QSA Medal Rolls68th Company, 19th Btn, IY
MannI2nd Battalion, MI
Source: QSA and KSA medal rolls
Suffolk Regiment
MannISource: WO100/283King Williamstown TG
MannJCorporalNatal 1906 (1)
Source: Recipients of the Natal 1906 Medal
Royston's Horse
MannJ18537Company QMSQSA (3) CC OFS Tr. KSA

TNA ref 156/61:313/104
Royal Engineers, Field Company, 11th
MannJSource: QSA and KSA medal rollsMidland Mounted Rifles
MannJ8370Sapper2nd Service Section. QSA issued 29 Oct 1903.

QSA (5) CC OFS Tr SA01 SA02

TNA ref 162/45; 162/49
Royal Engineers, Volunteers, Lanark
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