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 Surname   Forename   No   Rank   Notes   Unit 
MotionW G1635TrooperDemise: Died of disease 14 Nov 1900
Place: Standerton
Source: In Memoriam by S Watt
Thorneycroft's Mounted Infantry
MotionWilliam G1635TrooperDies 14 Nov 1900 Enteric
Source: Nominal roll in WO127
Thorneycroft's Mounted Infantry
MotlerC3950PrivateQSA (2).
Source: QSA medal rolls
17th (The Duke of Cambridge's Own) Lancers
MotleyA2nd Battalion
Source: QSA and KSA medal rolls
(King's Own) Royal Lancaster Regiment
MotleyCharles M40436Trooper1st Battalion
Source: Nominal roll in WO127
Imperial Light Horse
MotleyDPrivateFrontier Wars. SAGS (1) 1879. Royal MarinesHMS Shah
MotleyFA Division
Source: QSA and KSA medal rolls
South African Constabulary
MotleyG3rd Battalion
Source: QSA and KSA medal rolls
South Wales Borderers
MotleyJ2nd Battalion
Source: QSA and KSA medal rolls
(King's Own) Yorkshire Light Infantry
MotleyJ W2nd Battalion
Source: QSA and KSA medal rolls
(King's Own) Yorkshire Light Infantry
MotleyR1st Battalion
Source: QSA and KSA medal rolls
Essex Regiment
MotleyTA Division
Source: QSA and KSA medal rolls
South African Constabulary
MotleyT4885PrivateQSA (2). Later with A Div. S.A.C. (No. 102).
Source: QSA medal rolls
13th Hussars
MotnersoleL WTrooperNatal 1906 (1)
Source: Recipients of the Natal 1906 Medal
Natal Police
MotsamaiTakiSource: QSA and KSA medal rollsKoffyfontein Defence Force
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