City: Amsterdam
Issued on: n/a
Date of presentation: abt. 20/12/1899
Number issued: 1 (?)
Silver medallion, to:
The 29 page pamphlet above was published in Amsterdam in January 1900: "Speech by Dirk Beerends, chairman of the Amsterdam Committee, to the Board, the management approach of the nine districts and 900 ladies and gentlemen, collectrices and collectors of the Amsterdam Committee to help the survivors in the Transvaal and Oranje free State, held in the Concert Hall on the 23rd of January 1900".
Amsterdam is altijd in het voorste gelid als er plannen worden ontworpen, die een algemeen filantropisch karakter dragen. Reeds was door de financieel-machtigen der Hoofdstad ruim 170,000 gulden bijeengebracht ten behoeve van de Republieken in Zuid-Afrika. Niettemin hebben vooral de middenklasse en de kring der arbeiders door onze collecte met klinkende bewijzen getoond, hoeveel sympathie zij bezaten voor de dappere Heldenschaar. In Moliere’s “L’Avare” komt de bekende vrek Harpagon voor. Zijn in Frankrijk dus Harpagons, ook ons land levert vrekkige naturen op, maar, de uitkomst bewees het, tijdens de collectedagen waren in Amsterdam geen Harpagons te bekennen. Ja, de uitkomst overtrof verre onze verwachting.
Amsterdam is always in the forefront when planning, and carrying out general philanthropic work. Already an impressive 170,000 guilders have been raised for the Republics in South Africa. Nevertheless, the middle and working classes, in particular, have shown resounding proof through our collection, how much sympathy they have for the brave heroic army. In Moliere's "L'Avare" we have the famous miser Harpagon. Just as France has its Harpagons, so our country has a similar miserly nature. However, the outcome of the collection days has proved that there are no Harpagons in Amsterdam. Yes, the results far exceeded our expectations.