County: Lancashire
Issued on: Return
Dates of presentations: 14/03/1902, 23/04/1902, aft. 23/04/1902
Number issued: c. 69 (perhaps as many as 74)
Silver or gold (depending on the "services to be acknowledged") medals, to:
08/01/1902 presentation
"It is proposed to entertain them [all the Volunteers] to supper on January 8, and present each with a commemorative badge". The ceremony was advertised as being for "all the Volunteers who have been out to the war from Blackpool".
14/03/1902 presentation
St John Ambulance Brigade –
1695 Orderly William PATRICK
Presentation made by the Mayor (Alderman J. Howarth), in the Mayor's parlour, Blackpool Town Hall.
This presentation was made ahead of the April ceremony because Orderly Patrick was due to return to South Africa on 15/03/1902.
23/04/1902 presentation
23rd (Lancashire) Company, 8th Bn. Imperial Yeomanry –
2669 Corporal [Sergeant] William COULSTON (K.I.A., Faber's Put, 30/05/1900 - did his family receive a medal?)
2690 Trooper R.P.B. CARTER [R. Carter] ("D" Troop)
20538 Trooper George SMITH
24th (Westmorland & Cumberland) Company, 8th Bn. Imperial Yeomanry –
21361 Trooper Frederick DYSON
35097 Trooper W.F. GORMLIE
25586 Trooper Thomas Edwin LEWTHWAITE [E. Lewthwaite]
Imperial Yeomanry (unknown company) –
????? Trooper Harry BARNES (not on Manchester Courier list)
57th (Buckinghamshire) Company, 15th Bn. Imperial Yeomanry [5th Lancs R.G.A. Vols] –
Captain T.E. TOPPING
Squadron Quartermaster-Sergeant Alfred MOORE
10389 Sergeant-Farrier Tom HAIGH
25428 Trooper [Gunner] A.B. COOP
Colt Gun Section, 57th (Buckinghamshire) Company, 15th Bn. Imperial Yeomanry [5th Lancs R.G.A. Vols] –
Lieutenant W.H. HUNT
10821 Sergeant James Thomas BIBBY (died from effects of wounds, England, 29/03/1902 - did his family receive a medal?)
10831 Corporal Harry JONES
10499 Trooper [Gunner] C. CARLISLE
10502 Trooper [Gunner] W.C. GILDER [C.W. Gilder]
10509 Trooper [Gunner] W.E. PORTER (not on Manchester Courier list)
Borough Police Force –
196 Orderly [Police Constable] T. FAZACKERLEY (attached to St John Ambulance Brigade)
???? [Police Constable] E. HODGSON [Hodson]
???? [Police Constable] W. TAYLOR
St John Ambulance Brigade –
877 First Officer T. DONNELLY (not on Manchester Courier list)
??? Sergeant H.W. BUTCHER
441 Sergeant C.H. FOX
469 Sergeant D.A. GREENWOOD
187 Sergeant C.S. ASHWORTH
??? Sergeant W. BLUNDELL
1218 Sergeant T. Aubrey SANKEY
1296 Sergeant W. ASHWORTH
1298 Corporal R.G. FRANCE
528 Orderly C.W. BANCROFT
527 Orderly E.J. BRADSHAW [E.G. Bradshaw]
199 Orderly J. CROOK
520 Orderly C.F. CROOKALL
521 Orderly E. CARDWELL
1703 Orderly W.T. FISH (absent)
526 Orderly E. FLEETWOOD
523 Orderly T. GREGSON
1474 Orderly Henry S. HALL
522 Orderly H.M. HESKETH (absent)
1696 Orderly C.P. HOFF
524 Orderly J. JOLLY
525 Orderly G.F. MEADON [Meadow] (absent)
??? Orderly J. NUTTER (American Hospital Ship Maine)
??? Orderly F. ROBERTS
66 Orderly J.T.B. SHEARD
1219 Orderly S.S. SMITH (absent)
1004 Orderly E. THOMAS
??? Orderly J.C. TRESCOWTHICK (American Hospital Ship Maine)
Presentation made by the Mayor (Alderman J. Howarth), after the distribution of War Medals, on a platform in front of the Town Hall, Talbot Square.
Aft. 23/04/1902 presentation(s)
Volunteers who returned after the 23/04/1902 presentation (compiled from list published in the Fleetwood Chronicle, 28/10/1902)
23rd (Lancashire) Company, 8th Bn. Imperial Yeomanry –
25604 Trooper William TALBOT
25608 Trooper Joseph William TOWLER
25614 Trooper W. WORNACK
24th (Westmorland & Cumberland) Company, 8th Bn. Imperial Yeomanry –
35095 Lance-Sergeant [Sergeant] Thomas HITCHEN
35079 Lance-Corporal Joseph YATES
35096 Trooper Joseph GREGSON
25th (West Somerset) Company, 7th Bn. Imperial Yeomanry –
21386 Trooper W. TRANTER
57th (Buckinghamshire) Company, 15th Bn. Imperial Yeomanry [5th Lancs R.G.A. Vols] –
25427 Trooper [Gunner] H.R. CUTLER
25430 Trooper [Gunner] Joseph William GARNER
25434 Trooper [Gunner] Benjamin HOPWOOD
25437 Trooper [Gunner] James Roscoe MOLYNEUX
77th (Manchester) Company, 8th Bn. Imperial Yeomanry –
21381 Trooper Elijah ROUND
21382 Trooper David RUTHERFORD
88th (Welsh) Company, 9th Bn. Imperial Yeomanry –
29977 Trooper Stanley HULME
32nd Bn. Imperial Yeomanry –
44419 Trooper [Sergeant] Frederick WHALLEY (arrived in S. Africa 23 days before the end of hostilities)
Royal Army Medical Corps –
15824 Private William Taylor KIRKHAM
15887 Private Charles TURNER
Unknown Regiments –
Sergeant LORD
???? Private CHAPMAN
???? Trooper DOWD
To date (Oct 2022) I have been unable to find any record of a presentation after 23/04/1902. However, given that many of these men returned shortly after the original ceremony, it seems likely that they received badges. The mementoes may have been sent to them by post.
Obverse with the Borough Arms and legend: "PRESENTED BY MAYOR & TOWNSPEOPLE OF BLACKPOOL" (in enamels).
An article in the Fleetwood Chronicle (28/10/1902) suggests that the total number of recipients should be 74: "Altogether, Blackpool had sent 33 ambulance men, 16 artillery volunteers, 20 members of the yeomanry, and five policemen – a splendid record for a town the size of Blackpool". If this is correct five men remain unaccounted for.
Invitation to the Blackpool Volunteers' Dinner, held at the Tower Café on 24th October 1902, when "the whole of the returned volunteers, yeomanry, artillery, and St John Ambulance men assembled as his [the Mayor's] guests". A list of invited men was published in the Fleetwood Chronicle, 28/10/1902 (see below).
Orderly Hall example illustrated in Hibbard and Hern.
Orderly Fleetwood example sold through City Coins, Cape Town, 01/09/2017.
Sergeant Ashworth example sold through eBay, 26/04/2021, for £510.
First Officer Donnelly example sold through Noonan's, 08/11/2023 (with Order of St John group of eight; £4,000).
Orderly Crook example sold through Noonan's, 15/01/2025, for £460 (with 2-clasp QSA & St John Ambulance tribute medal).
Orderly Fish example sold through Noonan's, 12/02/2025, for £700 (with 5-clasp QSA).
Orderly Cardwell example sold through Noonan's, 12/03/2025 (with single-clasp QSA & St John Ambulance tribute medal).
Lancashire Evening Post, 15/02/1900 (includes drawings of members of the St John Ambulance Contingent)
Blackpool Times, 19/03/1902
Hibbard #A5
Hern #760
eBay, 26/04/2021
Manchester Courier, 15th February 1900
News was received in Blackpool that Lieutenant-Colonel Trimble wanted 11 members of the ambulance brigade to leave the town yesterday for the front. This short notice naturally caused a great deal of excitement in the town, and on Tuesday night there was a big attendance at the police station when the following men were selected: – First grade, H. BUTCHER (tailor), C.H. FOX (whitesmith), E. FLEETWOOD (grocer), C. BANCROFT (printer), E. CARDWELL (grocer), N. HESKETH (gasworker), and T. GREYSON [sic] (gasworker); Second grade, C. CROOKHALL [sic] (draper), E. BRADSHAW (North Pier Company), G. MEADON (printer), and J. JOLLY (saddler). The first grade men holding nursing certificates and the second grade men will go as stretcher-bearers. A sum of £3 15s has been granted to each man out of the local A.M.B. Fund to provide the necessary articles of clothing. Considering the strength of the force the brigade has sent more men out in proportion than any other corps in England. The men left Talbot Road Station at 1.40 after parading from the police station, headed by the Lifeboat Band. There was a great crowd to see them off, and much enthusiasm prevailed.
Preston Herald, 16th May 1900
Blackpool has sent two more ambulance volunteers to the war – Mr Aubrey SANKEY, son of Mr T. Sankey, of the Blackpool Grammar School, and Mr S.S. SMITH, assistant to Mr F. Robson, grocer, South Shore. They unexpectedly received orders on Friday, and were seen off by a large gathering of friends. The Chief Constable and Dr Molloy were also present at the station. There was a considerable display of enthusiasm. A pocket book was given to each of the young men by the members of the brigade, and a number of other presents were given by personal friends. Two more members of the Blackpool corps have been ordered to hold themselves in readiness.
Preston Herald, 1st August 1900
Messrs ASHWORTH, FISH and CROOK, three of Blackpool’s ambulance volunteers who went out to South Africa about the same time, returned home on Saturday evening, and are visiting old friends. The hospital ship Orcana, which left Cape Town for England on July 20, has on board nine Blackpool ambulance volunteers, who are on their way home, their time of service having expired. They are Messrs BUTCHER, BANCROFT, FLEETWOOD, FOX, MEADOW [sic], GREGSON, JOLLY, BRADSHAW, and CROOKALL.
Manchester Evening News, 30th January 1901
Fifteen men from Blackpool and district have been selected for the Imperial Yeomanry, and departed this morning for Aldershot, where they will join the 23rd company to be mobilised. On Saturday eight of the men underwent the firing test at Fleetwood range, and in spite of the strong wind acquitted themselves well, the highest score being 21 at the 200 yard range. On Monday the remainder were tested, and the result was equally satisfactory. Yesterday the men went through the riding test at Raikes Hall, and were pronounced fit, and were then medically examined by Dr Molloy. The selected men from Blackpool are Harry BARNES, Thomas FOGG, David RUTHERFORD, Elijah ROUND, Frederick DYSON, Henry CALDERBANK, William SHAW, George SMITH, H. WILSON, J. FITTON [sic], H. GREENWOOD, W. TRANTER, J. WHALLEY, and J.W. SUTCLIFFE, from Morecombe.
Lancashire Evening Post, 30th January 1901
Blackpool and district are supplying 15 more Yeomanry, and these left Aldershot this morning to join the 23rd Company. The men were tested at shooting at the Fleetwood butts, and after medical examination they were attested by Mr Donnelly, J.P. The names of the men are: – Henry BARNES, Thomas FOGG, D. RUTHERFORD, E. ROUND, F. DYSON, H. CALDERBANK, W. SHAW, G. SMITH, J.W. SUTCLIFFE, H. WILSON, J. FILTON [sic], H. GREENWOOD, W. TRANTER and J. WHALLEY.
Lancashire Evening Post, 13th December 1901
The Mayor of Blackpool has set on foot a movement to give a welcome to all the Volunteers who have been out to the war from Blackpool, including the ambulance men. It is proposed to entertain them to supper on January 8, and present each with a commemorative badge. Any balance remaining will be devoted to the local war fund.
Preston Herald, 1st January 1902
There was to have been a presentation of commemorative badges to the Blackpool active service men who have been out at the war, and it was fixed for Wednesday night next. The ceremony has , however, been postponed, so that those men who are still in South Africa may be present.
Fleetwood Chronicle, 18th April 1902
Local Patriots and the War Medals.
The distribution of War Medals by Lord Ridley and of the Municipal Commemorative Badges by the Mayor on Wednesday next will be made the occasion of a noteworthy ceremony. A large platform is to be erected across the pathway in front of the Town Hall, with seating accommodation for a company of eighty. Invitations are issued to magistrates, members of the Council, and the leading gentlemen of the town with their lady friends. Forming a square in front of the platform will be drawn up on one side the members of the 5th Position Batt. 5th L.V.A., in command of Captain Bailey, across on the other side the members of the Blackpool Troop of the Duke of Lancaster’s Own Yeomanry, in command of Lieut.-Surgeon Molloy, and on the third side the full corps of ambulance men of the Blackpool Division in command of Superintendent Gosling. The corps of the Boys’ Brigade will stand in line fringing the platform. Lord Ridley will be called upon to present twenty-five medals to members of the local Division of the St John Ambulance Brigade who have returned from active service in South Africa. The Mayor will also present to each of these men and to the active service members of the 5th L.V.A. a very handsome memento on behalf of himself and the town. This memento, in the form of a shield and suitable for a pendant, is in gold or silver – according to the service to be acknowledged – of beautiful design, with the arms of the borough as a raised enamel centre-piece. On the back of each is engraved the name of the recipient. In the arrangements for this event, Mr J.C. Derham, Senior Assistant Commissioner of the St John Ambulance Brigade, has been chiefly responsible. The ceremony is one which appeals to the public interest, and there is sure to be a large crowd next Wednesday afternoon.
Lancashire Evening Post, 23rd April 1902
This afternoon, the Right Hon. Viscount Ridley visited Blackpool and took part in the distribution of war medals and commemorative badges to the local Active Service Volunteers who have been out in South Africa. To Lord Ridley was allotted the duty of presenting the war medals, and to the Mayor of Blackpool (Alderman Howarth) that of distributing the badges. The following is a list of the recipients –
Duke of Lancaster’s Own Yeomanry – Troopers H. BARNES, R. CARTER, F. DYSON, W.F. GORMLIE, E. LEWTHWAITE, and SMITH.
5th Lancashire R.G.A. – Capt. TOPPING; Lieut. HUNT; Sergt.-Farrier T. HAIGH; Corpl. H. JONES; Gunners C. CARLISLE, A.B. COOP, W.C. GILDER, A. MOORE, and W. PORTER.
Members of Borough Police Force – P.C.’s HODSON, FAZACKERLEY, and TAYLOR.
The ceremony, which was witnessed by some thousands of people, took place in Talbot Square, opposite the Town Hall. A large stand had been erected the full width of the façade; crimson carpeting had been laid down, and shrubs and ornamental foliage plants were disposed with pretty effect.
Manchester Courier, 24th April 1902
The Right Hon. Viscount Ridley, ex-Home Secretary and ex-member for the Blackpool Division, visited Blackpool yesterday and was entertained to a complimentary banquet at the Hotel Metropole by his chief Conservative supporters throughout the division.
Lord Ridley’s visit was also made the occasion of a public distribution of war medals and commemorative badges to the local active service soldiers, Volunteers, and ambulance men who have returned from the front. In view of this ceremony a large platform had been erected across the footpath in front of the main entrance to the Town Hall, in Talbot Square, and this was given a very bright and pleasing appearance by an arrangement of shrubs and flowering plants.
The distribution was timed for four o’clock, and at that hour a huge concourse of people filled the square, whilst all the windows, balconies, and many of the adjoining roofs were crowded with sightseers. Immediately in front of the platform a square was formed by the members of the 5th Position Battery, 5th Lancashire Garrison Artillery (under Captain Bailey), the Blackpool Troop of the Duke of Lancaster’s own Yeomanry (under Lieutenant-Surgeon Molloy), the members of the Blackpool Ambulance Corps (under Superintendent Gosling), and a company of Church Lads’ Brigades (under Dr Harrison). The Artillery and Lifeboat Bands were in attendance and played appropriate musical selections. The platform was occupied by the elite of the town.
Lord Ridley arrived shortly after four, and his appearance was greeted with hearty cheers. He was accompanied by Mr M. White Ridley, M.P. for Stalybridge, Colonel Foster, ex-M.P. for Lancaster, the Mayor of Blackpool (Alderman J. Howarth), the ex-Mayor, and members of the Council ……
……. His Lordship then presented the war medals, in the name of the King, to one of the Yeomen and the Ambulance Volunteers, and in pinning the trophy on each man’s breast, spoke in terms of kindly encouragement. The Mayor afterwards presented the local commemorative badges, which were of gold and silver, according to the services to be acknowledged, and bore the Borough Arms in raised enamel as a centre-piece, and the stepping forward of Capt. TOPPING, D.S.O., Lieut. HUNT, and other recipients elicited ringing cheers and other tokens of popularity.
The recipients were –
Duke of Lancaster’s Own Yeomanry. – War medal and commemorative badge: Trooper R. CARTER. Commemorative badges: Troopers F. DYSON, W.F. GORMLIE, E. LEWTHWAITE, and SMITH.
5th Lancashire Royal Garrison Artillery Volunteers. – Commemorative badges: Captain TOPPING, Lieutenant HUNT, Sergeant-Farrier T. HAIGH, Corporal H. JONES, and Gunners C. CARLISLE, A.B. COOP, W.C. GILDER, and A. MOORE.
St John Ambulance Brigade (Blackpool Division). – War medals and commemorative badges: Sergeants H.W. BUTCHER, C.H. FOX, D.A. GREENWOOD, C.S. ASHWORTH, W. BLUNDELL, T.A. SANKEY, W. ASHWORTH, Corporal R.G. FRANCE, Privates E.G. BRADSHAW, J. COOK, C. CROOKALL, E. CARDWELL, E. FLEETWOOD, T. GREGSON, H.S. HALL, F. ROBERTS, J.T.B. SHEARD, E. THOMAS, and J. JOLLY. War medal only: Private W. ASPDEN. Commemorative badges only: Privates C.P. HOFF, J. NUTTER, J.C. TRESCOWTHICK, and C. BANCROFT.
Borough Police Force. – Commemorative badges only: P.C.’s E. HODGSON, T. FAZACKERLEY, and W. TAYLOR.
At the close of the ceremony Alderman Dr Kingsbury, in moving a vote of thanks to Lord Ridley and the Mayor, said Blackpool was in the proud position of having two members – one in the House of Lords – (applause) – and one in the House of Commons. Lord Ridley’s presence indicated that he had not lost touch with Blackpool or ceased to take an interest in its citizens since his elevation.
Fleetwood Chronicle, 28th October 1902
One of the pleasantest re-unions in which our volunteers have been asked to take part was that which took place in the handsome Tower Café on Friday. On the invitation of the Mayor, Alderman James Howarth, J.P., the whole of the returned volunteers, yeomanry, artillery, and St John Ambulance men assembled as his guests, and the gathering also included subscribers of a guinea and upwards to the fund which was raised for the purpose of presenting commemorative badges and a dinner to the active service men.
The Mayor’s invitation met with hearty acceptance, and the scene in the prettily decorated café was unusually animated, and rendered strikingly effective by the blending of red, blue, and khaki in the uniforms of the assembled warriors. ……
The returned Volunteers invited were: Trooper R. CARTER, Trooper DYSON, Trooper GORMLIE, Trooper LEWTHWAITE, Trooper G. SMITH, Sergt.-Farrier HAIGH, Corpl. JONES, Gunner CARLISLE, Gunner COOP, Gunner W.C. GILDER, Gunner A. MOORE, Gunner PORTER, 1st Officer DONNELLY, Sergt. BUTCHER, Sergt. FOX, Mr D.A. GREENWOOD, Mr C.S. ASHWORTH, Mr W. BLUNDELL, Private SANKEY, Mr W. ASHWORTH, Mr R.G. FRANCE, Mr E.G. BRADSHAW, Private CROOK, Private C. CROOKALL, Private E. CARDWELL, Corpl. FLEETWOOD, Private GREGSON, Private C.P. HOFF, Mr H.S. HALL, Mr J. NUTTER, Private ROBERTS, Corpl. SHEARD, Mr E. THOMAS, Private J.C. TRESCOWTHICK, Mr C. BANCROFT, Private CHAPMAN, Private KIRKHAM, Private TURNER, P.C. HODGSON, P.C. FRAZACKERLEY, P.C. TAYLOR, Sergt. LORD, Trooper TALBOT, Gunner CUTLER, Gunner GARNER, Gunner HOPWOOD, Gunner MOLYNEUX, Trooper ROUND, Trooper TOWLER, Sergt. HITCHEN, Corpl. YATES, Trooper GREGSON, Trooper TRANTER, Trooper HULME, Trooper D. RUTHERFORD, Trooper WORNACK, Sergt. WHALLEY, and Trooper DOWD.
Lieut. Molloy moved a cordial vote of thanks to the Mayor for his hospitality. Speaking of the work of the ambulance men, he said that the St John Ambulance Association had sent out no less than 2,000 men, and they were the only organisation which had not received any special recognition from the Government. He himself felt somewhat sore on that point, and he hoped that it was not too late to rectify the oversight. Altogether, Blackpool had sent 33 ambulance men, 16 artillery volunteers, 20 members of the yeomanry, and five policemen – a splendid record for a town the size of Blackpool. (Applause).

Lancashire Evening Post, 15th February 1900 (St John Ambulance Contingent)

Group of three to 199 Orderly J. CROOK